Organizing Committee

Elisabetta Agostinelli

Istituto di Struttura della Materia - CNR (Roma)

Dr. Elisabetta Agostinelli (ISM-CNR) is a senior researcher at the Italian National Research Council of Italy, (CNR). Her studies were dedicated to the preparation of magnetic materials (mainly thin films) and study of magnetic and structural properties in disordered magnetic materials, diluted magnetic systems, spin-glasses, magnetic nanoparticles, high anisotropy magnetic thin films and exchange coupled systems. In 1989 Dr. Agostinelli founded the "PLD" laboratory of the ICMAT-CNR Institute. She has worked in several world-class laboratories in USA, France, Spain, Argentina in the framework of funded projects by EU, MIUR and MAE with her as the principal investigator. Presently, Dr. Agostinelli is the manager of the MLIB-branch of the ISM Institute, the Chairman of the International Committee on Nanostructured Materials (ICNM), the Italian representative at the C9 Commission (Magnetism) of IUPAP and has served as Associate Editor for the Journal Materials Chemistry and Physics and independent expert as Vice-chair for the panel Physics for EU-MSCA. She is the author of 98 publications (including ISI articles, chapters of books and encyclopaedia Landolt-Bornstein) and 153 Conference presentations, including 21 invited.

Anna Musinu

Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche - Un. di Cagliari (Cagliari)

Anna Musinu is Full Professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of Cagliari. Dean of the Faculty of Science and coordinator of the "Solid State and Nanomaterials" research group of the Department of Geological and Chemical Science of University of Cagliari. Main scientific interest devoted to the study of the relationship between physical properties and structure in various disordered materials, as glasses and nanomaterials with interesting magnetic and optical properties, in collaboration with several national and international groups.

Amelia Montone

ENEA, Material Technology Division, C.R. Casaccia (Roma)

Amelia Montone, degree in Physics, staff scientist at the Material Technology Division at ENEA, Casaccia Research Centre, experienced in synthesis and characterization of nanocomposites for hydrogen storage and in electron microscopy methods for material science. Member of the Management Board of EERA- AMPEA, Italian expert for the International Energy Agency's Task 32 “Hydrogen-based energy storage” since 2013, member of the Working group “Solid State Hydrogen Storage” of N.ERGHY as part of FCH JU since 2009 and ENEA’s referent for EMIRI (Energy Materials Industrial Research Initiative) since 2015. She is honorary member of Italian Society for Microscopical Sciences (former President (2008-2013)), as well as a member of the Editorial Board of Microscopy Research and Technique and of ISRN Material Science. She has published 120 papers in International journals and has 4 patents. Regular invited speaker at international conferences.

Gaspare Varvaro

Istituto di Struttura della Materia - CNR (Roma)

Gaspare Varvaro (PhD in Material Science 2007, University “La Sapienza” of Roma, Italy) works as research at the National Research Center (Italy) since 2010. He is member of the Nanostructured Magnetic Material Lab (ISM – CNR) and head of the thin film deposition lab since 2015. His interests span from the fabrication to the characterization of magnetic and magneto-transport properties of nanostructured magnetic materials including single-phase, magnetic composites and hybrid/multifunctional systems (thin films, multilayers, nanoparticles and nano-patterned systems) for fundamental studies and applications (information storage, energy, sensors, biomedicine). His research activity is witnessed by more than 45 papers, 2 book chapters and more than 130 contributions to national and international conferences and workshops. He is co-editor of a book titled “Ultra-High-Density Magnetic Recording: Storage Materials and Media Designs” (Pan Stanford Publishing, 2015). He has been visiting scientist in many international labs (Un. Augsburg, IKBFU, CONICET, Un. Delaware, Trinity College of Dublin and CNRS-Lab. Louis Néel) and has been involved in several national and EU projects. He regularly serves as referee for international journals and independent expert evaluator for international projects and has been member of the organizing, program and scientific committees of several conferences. Also, he has been involved in teaching and didactic activities for high-school students, PhD students, post-graduates and research professionals in the area of magnetism.

Luca Pasquini

Università di Bologna

Luca Pasquini is associate professor at the University of Bologna since 2016. He carries out experimental research in the field of materials physics and nanosciences. The research interests are particularly directed to the growth of nanoparticles and nanostructures with physical methods and to the study of the relationships between structure and physical properties. Currently, he focuses his research on hydrides for hydrogen storage in the solid state and nanostructured oxides for the conversion of solar energy. He collaborates with several universities and research institutions in Italy and in Europe in national and international research projects. Author of about 100 publications in international journals with peer-review, he presented his research activities in about 40 international congresses. h index: 22 (Google scholar).