Code of Conduct

All members of this course have the following responsibilities as learners, facilitators of learning, and as participants in dialog and discussion. This document was inspired by and references the p5.js community statement.

As Learners

  • Actively ask for help from your peers.

  • Openly share your knowledge and progress with your peers. Publish your in-progress and finished work on the course Github organization.

  • Give credit to your sources. When you are inspired by a project or essay, provide attribution and a link to the original source.

  • Be present. Avoid using laptops during discussions and lectures. Bring pencil and paper to class for notes and ideas.

As Facilitators of Learning

  • Do not assume prior knowledge or imply that there are things someone else should know.

  • Actively seek to support your peers when they need help.

  • Recognize and validate multiple forms of contributions and expertise.

  • Be open to constructive feedback.

  • Avoid jargon when possible.

In Discussions

  • Prioritize listening.

  • Be open to new ideas and alternative perspectives.

  • Be mindful and kind in your interactions with others.

  • Be respectful. Debate across different points of view is productive and passionate discussion is encouraged; however, disagreement is not an opportunity to attack someone else.

  • Any form of harassment or offensive comments relating to gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, language, neuro-type, size, ability, class, religion, culture, subculture, political opinion, age, skill level, occupation, or background is unacceptable.