An International Research Exchange Program for
Graduate Students in Materials Science

MAT-MOVE is a collaborative research exchange program between the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), the University of Toulouse (UT), and the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT) for advancing Materials Science through Graduate Student Mobility. MAT-MOVE seeks to facilitate research exchange, enhance graduate education in Materials Science, and strengthen research collaborations between the three institutions. 

MAT-MOVE is supported by the Transatlantic Mobility Program from the FACE Foundation, in partnership with the Embassy of France in the U.S. and the U.S. Embassy in France, and the College of Sciences at UTSA.

International Research Experience

Conduct cutting materials science research for up to 3 months in a partner institution.

Professional Network

Develop an international professional network with transatlantic academics and researchers.

Cultural Understanding

Gain a deeper cultural understanding of another country.

Student Ambassador

Serve as an ambassador for your home country and your home institution.



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