Can I split my research visit into multiple separate stays?

If your application has been approved for a research visit for which the total number of days does not exceed 3 months (90 days), you are free to break down the whole visit into multiple shorter visits. However, you must note that the total fellowship amount that was approved will be based on what the total length of your stay. Additionally, the fellowship will cover only one (1) round trip ticket, regardless of the number of stays.

Do I need an insurance?

Certain research facilities in France require a "Responsabilité Civile" (liability insurance), which is a basic insurance which protects your against the cost of damages to properties or equipment, bodily injury, or loss you may cause by negligence.

You research mentor at the host institution will let you know if you need such an insurance.

I was initially planning on doing my research visit in the Fall semester but I have to postponed, can I keep my fellowship or should I re-apply?

If you postpone to the following semester, you will not have to reapply assuming the research visit remains the same in terms of location, mentor, and duration. If there is any chance to your visit beside the start date, then you will have to resubmit an application for the new research visit. Similarly, if the visit is to be postponed by more than a semester, a new application must be submitted.

I am interested in doing a research visit but I do not know any professor/researcher in the laboratory/department I'm interested in, how should I proceed?

If you are interested in doing some research overseas but do not have any prior contact, you can browse our Research Projects page that list some research projects available at the partner institutions with the contact details of the professors/researchers offering these projects.
We also encourage you to talk to your current research advisor and your program coordinator who can initiate contact with researchers in your field of expertise. However, securing their agreement remains your responsibility.

Do I need to speak French to do a research visit in France?

Knowledge of French is not mandatory. All research facilities in France host foreign researchers and students, so you will be able to use English for your daily research work and social interactions at work.

However, this type of exchange is the opportunity to share your culture and learn about a new culture. We strongly encourage you to take full advantage of this visit by taking the opportunity to learn some French basics during your stay if you can.

Are there any citizenship requirements?

As far as the MAT-MOVE program goes, there is no citizenship requirement. However, you must be able to enter the country you want to visit through the Visa Waiver Program or through a visa. 

Additionally, certain research facilities in France are listed as restricted areas (zone à régime restrictif, ZRR) and require any visitor (regardless of the duration of visit) to gor through a clearance process priori to their visit. The outcome of this process, which is handled by the national government, may be impacted by your country of origin, your citizenship(s), and other factors. Previous UTSA students have successfully gone through the process.