
Monday May 8, 2023

Formal Generality in the Tractatus, logic as tautological, proof in logic as a “mechanical expedient”, the Entscheidungsproblem. The Satzsystem conception of the Middle Period, induction and surveyability.

Wittgenstein and Turing’s 1936 “On computable numbers, with an application to the Entscheidungsproblem”. The Blue and Brown Books. Changes in Wittgenstein’s views in 1936-1938: the “anthropological” point of view and the notions of Regelmässigkeit, Lebensform and technique. Diagonal argumentation in Cantor and Turing. Occasion sensitivity. Turing’s analysis of “computability”.

Wittgenstein's Non-Extensional Approach as a Positive Outlook on Foundational Issues

Reacting to a Rule – PI §198 in the Context of LFM and RMF

Potential Infinity: To What Extent Does Absolute Music Have Open-Ended Meaning in its Temporal Unfolding?

Against a Global Conception of Mathematical Hinges: A Holistic Reading of Wittgenstein and Mathematics in Practice 

Meaning as Use, Rule-Bending and AI Safety

Tuesday May 9, 2023

From Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics to Philosophical Investigations 1939-1947: the non-extensional point of view, working through the very idea of a “foundation” of mathematics. Philosophy of psychology in later Wittgenstein. Turing’s “machines”.

Wittgenstein’s philosophy of mathematics 1939-1944: its place in his later philosophy as a whole.

                        Wittgenstein and Carnap on Incompleteness and Non-Standard Models

Wittgenstein's Philosophy After Mathematics

Purifying Applied Mathematics and Applying Pure Mathematics

Wittgenstein Meets Skolem

Hocus Pocus. Critical strands  in Wittgenstein’s Work on Mathematics