Masterclass w/ Juliet Floyd (Boston University)

Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics


The Masterclass on Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics with Prof. Juliet Floyd (Boston University) is jointly hosted by the philosophy departments of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and Ghent University (UGent).

We intend it to be a fully interactive event, with the threefold objective to (1) contribute to the assessment of Wittgenstein's philosophy of mathematics, (2) to understand in depth the materials presented in the lectures, and (3) to provide early career researchers (PhD students and Postdocs) with an opportunity to discuss their ongoing work in a helpful and constructive environment. Professor Floyd's lectures will take place in the mornings, and will be followed by afternoon sessions with presentations by early career researchers working on Wittgenstein and the philosophy of mathematics. The exact titles of the lectures will be communicated at a later stage. 

The masterclass will pay specific attention to the mutual impact of Wittgenstein and Turing on one another and the importance of philosophy of mathematics and logic to Wittgenstein’s overall philosophical development, with a focus on the fundamentality of calculation and rule-following that are characteristic of Wittgenstein’s non-extensional approach to the foundations of logic. More detailed information about the classes and the readings will be provided in due time.

Call for Abstracts

We invite early career researchers who would be interested to present their work to send us an abstract of 300 - 500 words by March 21, 2023. To submit, please visit the Google Form. Talks will last 25 minutes, followed by 15 minutes Q&A. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by March 27, 2023. Please note that submitting an abstract is not mandatory for attending the Masterclass. 

Attendance Fees and Registration 

We ask people to register for the Masterclass by April 15, 2023. Attendance of the Masterclass is open to everyone interested. There will be a small fee to cover the costs of the sandwich lunch and coffee. If you are planning to attend the Masterclass, please visit the same form.


The Masterclass will take place at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) on the Etterbeek Campus, which is situated at Bd. de la Plaine 2, 1050 (Elsene) Brussels, Belgium. 


The Masterclass is jointly organized by Wim Vanrie (HICO/UGent) and Vincent Vincke (CLPS/VUB). 

For any questions write an email to .

Acknowledgements and Supports

The Masterclass is supported by the Doctoral School of Human Sciences (DSh) and the Centre for Logic & Philosophy of Science (CLPS)  of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, and the Commission Scientific Research (CWO) of the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy of Ghent University.