Making your own mask

How to make the mask

To make an Olson mask you'll need to download the template from the UnityPoint Health website. There is a video tutorial on that page but you may find the following step by step guide useful as well.

Step by step guide

  1. Cut 2 face pieces (blue), 2 cheek pieces (green) and 2 mouth pieces (white).

2. Sew the 2 mouth pieces together along the convex curved edge.

3. Turn over the each straight edge and stitch.

This forms the internal 'filter pocket' for the mask.

4. Turn over the longer straight edge of the cheeks and stitch.

5. Sew the two face pieces along the convex curved edge (right side in).

6. Match up the filter pocket to the face and pin.

7. Match up the cheeks to the face edges, right side in, and pin – the cheek pieces should overlap the pocket.

8. Sew all around.

9. Turn right side out and iron folds about 2.5 cm in from the edge.

10. Stitch down the folds forming the channel for the tie or ear loop.

Only if making them for Maskots:

11. Place 65cm of elastic loose inside the face mask.

Place in plastic envelope with the leaflet and seal.