Welcome to Masashi Usami's homepage!

Top page

  • Top page in Japanese is here. (日本語トップページはこちら)

Research Topics

  • Particle physics experiment and detectors
  • MEG II Experiment (2016 -- now) at Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), Switzerland


  • Particle physics detectors, especially photo-detectors
    • Photon sensors, scintillation detectors
    • Radiation damage effect on photo-sensors connected in series
  • Data analysis, especially pattern recognition and tracking
    • Tracking with pixel-detector, wire-chamber
    • Kalman filter technique, local following
    • Machine learning technique, global track finding


  • The University of Tokyo
  • International Center for Elementary Particle Physics (ICEPP)


  • 2014 -- 2016: The University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Bachelor course (Bachelor degree)
  • 2016 -- 2018: The University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Master course (Master degree)
  • 2016 -- : Advanced Leading Graduate Course for Photon Science (ALPS) course
  • 2018 -- : The University of Tokyo, Department of Physics, Doctor course
  • 2019 -- : JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) research fellow



Homepage status: Under development

This homepage is used for the promotion of the research.