Masaru Shirasuna

Cognitive Science,  Decision Science, …


Faculty of Psychology, Otemon Gakuin University, Specially-appointed Assistant Professor

2-1-15, Nishiai, Ibaraki-shi, Osaka, 567-8502, Japan



International Journal

Japanese Journal


Other papers


Thesis (English)

International conference (with referred proceedings)


International conference presentation

Research keywords

Human intelligence; Heuristic; Bounded rationality; Ecological rationality; Resource rationality; Adaptive toolbox; Judgment accuracy; Confidence; Wisdom of crowds; Nudge; Boost; Mouse tracking 


Ph. D. in Cognitive Science. The University of Tokyo, 2021.

Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

(Prof. Kazuhiro Ueda)

M. A. in Cognitive Science. The University of Tokyo, 2018.

Department of General Systems Studies, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences

(Prof. Kazuhiro Ueda)

B. A. in Literature, Chiba University, 2016.

             Department of Behavioral science, Faculty of letter

(Prof. Toshihiko Matsuka)

Mito First High school, 2011



Japanese (native)


Computer skills


R (R studio), Python (jupyter notebook, spyder), MATLAB (MATLAB, GNU Octave) 

Experimental tool

PsychoPy, Qualtrics

Work experience

Specially-appointed Assistant Professor, Otemon Gakuin University     

April 2021 – present

Research assistant, Centan Inc.

April 2019 – January 2021

Graduate student lecturer for special lecture, Educational corporation Kawaijuku  

July 2018 – July 2018



Membership in Society for Judgment and Decision Making

September 2021 – present

Membership in Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence

June 2019 – present

Membership in Association of Behavioral Economics and Finance

December 2018 – present

Membership in Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology

June 2017 – present

Membership in Cognitive Science Society

July 2017 – present

Membership in Japanese Cognitive Science Society

September 2016 – present



Honors & Awards

academist Prize the 3rd (academic-crowdfunding project) "AI * ○○", academist Inc., in 2023

Distinguished Presentation Award, Technology Evaluation Division, The Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology in 2021

Education Research Institute Award for a distinguished Poster Presentation, Hyper Interdisciplinary Conference Tokyo 2022 (by Leave a Nest Co. Ltd.)

Distinguished Poster Presentation Award, Japanese Cognitive Science Society in 2021

L-RAD award as the 53rd Leave a Nest research award in 2021

Distinguished Ideathon Award of the 3rd workshop at The Japanese Psychonomic Society Committee in 2018 



Research grants

Grants as PI

L-RAD award, Leave a Nest grant (2021.12 – 2022.11)

Grants as Co-I 

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science  Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (2022.4-2025.3) 22H03915 (PI: Hidehito Honda, Otemon Gakuin University)

Academic crowdfunding as PI

academist; Monthly support type project "Quiz * Cognitive Science: Experimental investigations of human intelligence underlying a buzzer quiz" (2023.5 – 2024.6)


Research scholarship for young scientists, Otemon Gakuin University (2022.7-2023.3)

Traveling fellowship for international conference presentation, Japanese Cognitive Science Society (2019.7)

Traveling fellowship for international conference presentation, The University of Tokyo (2019.7)

Traveling fellowship for international conference presentation, Japanese Cognitive Science Society (2017.7)



Review experience  

Ad Hoc Reviewer (International Journal)

Journal of Cognitive Science 

Frontiers in Psychology: Environmental Psychology 

Ad Hoc Reviewer (Japanese Journal)

Japanese Journal of Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society

International conference proceeding (full-paper review)

Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (2023 – present)

Domestic conference proceeding (abstract review)

Annual Conference of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (2020 – present)