野澤・性染色体進化グループ@東京都立大学 進化遺伝学研究室

Nozawa (sex chromosome evolution) group in Evol. Genet. Lab at Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.


This is a website for chromosome evolution (Masafumi Nozawa) group in Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory at Tokyo Metropolitan University. If you are interested in joining us, please contact to the following address.

野澤 昌文 Masafumi NOZAWA

東京都立大学 生命科学専攻 進化遺伝学研究室 准教授

Associate Prof. in Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University

Email: manozawa[at]tmu.ac.jp

ニュース     News


・Dr. Katoh (PD) and Ms. Karaki (M2) had oral presentations at the 96th GSJ meeting at Kochi. Ms. Uchida (M2) and Ms. Namiki (M1) also had poster presentations. All of them did a nice job. In particular, Ms. Uchida's presentation about biological significance of the Y chromosome in Drosophila triauraria was highly appreciated and she received the Young Best Poster prize! Congratulations!! In addition, Prof. Katsura at Kyoto University and Nozawa organized the workshop entitled "Diverse biological phenomena driven by sex-chromosome cycle". We appreciate each of five invited speakers for kindly giving a wonderful talk! Nozawa also presented his research topic on Y-chromosome turnover as one of the speakers. (Sep, 2024)


Nozawa gave a talk at the 26th SESJ annual meeting in Kanagawa. Our group has not really done the  Pan-genome analyses yet, but we have learned a lot from the talks from other researchers in the workshop. Thank you very much Dr. Hanada for giving me such an opportunity! [Link] (August, 2024

・広島大学の林舜さんを筆頭著者とする性染色体サイクルに関する総説論文がJournal of Biochemistry誌に発表されました.林さんと学変Bメンバー5人全員で分担執筆した力作です!本論文では,過去の文献を精査することで,性染色体サイクルが性の安定的存続に重要であることを述べています.林さん,皆さん,おめでとうございます![リンク] [プレスリリース](2024.8)

・A review article on the importance of sex-chromosome cycle for stable sex determination was published in Journal of Biochemistry! In this study, Dr. Shun Hayashi and all members of a Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) "Sex-chromosome cycle" summarized the studies on sex chromosome evolution and proposed the importance of sex-chromosome cycle for stable sex determination. Congratulations, Shun and all other memebers! [Link] [Press release] (August, 2024) 

・卒業生のミノヴィッチあに香さんの修士論文の一部がEcology and Evolution誌に発表されました.ネオ性染色体を獲得すると幼虫時に性バイアス発現を示す遺伝子がネオ性染色体上に多く進化することを示した論文です.それにより性的対立が減少する可能性について議論しています.ミノヴィッチさんおめでとうございます![リンク](2024.7)

・A part of Anika (Anika Minovic)'s master thesis was finally published in Ecology and Evolution! In this study, we found that sex-biased genes at the larval stage have been accumulated on the neo-sex chromosomes after acquiring neo-sex chromosomes, which may have potentially reduce the sexual conflict. Congratulations, Anika! [Link] (July, 2024) 

理研iTHEMSのJeffrey Fawcettさんにセミナーによんでいただきました.今後の研究の方向性について皆さんに色々なコメントをいただき,大変勉強になりました.Jeffさん,このような機会をいただきありがとうございました![リンク](2024.6

Dr. Jeffrey Fawcett kindly gave me an opportunity to have a talk at RIKEN iTHEMS. I obtained a lot of comments from RIKEN researchers about the future directions of our research. Thank you very much Jeff and all attendees! [Link] (Jun, 2024


・Two students and one technical assistant were graduated and three undergrad students and a new technical assistant were newly joined to our group. In FY2024, our group consists of 11 people (six students, one postdoc, one visiting researcher, two technical assistants, and myself).  We would like to actively enjoy our research projects! Personally, I would like to publish several papers in this fiscal year. Also, I would like to congratulate the two graduates! Please enjoy your new life! (Apr, 2024) 

・学術変革B「性染色体サイクル」の第回領域会議を開催しました(@福井県あわら市 伝統旅館のぬくもり 灰屋).5人の班員によるキャリアパス支援会,および参加者全員の口頭発表と盛り沢山な内容でした.また,最終年度に向けて綿密な打ち合わせを行うことができました.泊まり込みの会議を行ったことで,班員はもちろん,学生,ポスドクの距離もぐっと縮まった気がします.ホスト役を務めてくださった福井県立大学の風間先生をはじめ,風間研の皆さん,本当にありがとうございました![リンク](2024.2.28-3.1

2nd Annual Conference on Sex-Chromosome Cycle was held at Haiya (Awara, Fukui). All participants had oral presentations at the conference and discussed a lot on each research topics. We deeply appreciate Dr. Yusuke Kazama and his lab members to host this wonderful event! Thank you very much! [Link] (Feb. 28-Mar. 1, 2024)

・昨年3月に修士課程を卒業した小川雅文さんの修士論文の一部をRIKEN APR誌に発表しました.重イオンビームをミランダショウジョウバエに照射し,ゲノムにどのくらい欠失が生じるかを検証した論文(レポート)です.理研仁科センターの阿部知子博士,常泉和秀博士との共同研究です.小川さんおめでとうございます![リンク](2024.1)

・A part of Masa (Masafumi Ogawa)'s master thesis was published in RIKEN APR. In this study, heavy ion beams were irradiated to Drosophila miranda to examine the frequency of deletions in a genome. This is a collaborative work with Dr. Tomoko Abe and Dr. Kazuhide Tsuneizumi at RIKEN Nishina Center. Congratulations, Masa! [Link] (Jan, 2024) 


One technical assistant position available. The person is expected to conduct experiments and analyses on sex chromosome evolution. Deadline for application is Jan. 31, 2024. [ Detailed information in Japanese] (Dec. 21, 2023)  Decision has been made. Thank you very much! (Jan 5, 2024)


Prof. Shigenobu kindly invited me to Intensive Bioinformatics course at NIBB as a co-lecturer. In addition to my lecture, I learned a lot about useful tools and the principles behind in genome/transcriptome analyses. Thank you very much, Prof. Shigenobu, Prof. Uchiyama, and Dr. Yorimoto!  (Nov, 2023) 


・Anika (Anika Minovic)'s master thesis was released in bioRxiv as a preprint. In this study, she has tested the hypothesis that acquiring sex chromosomes has a merit to reduce sexual conflict by using Drosophila species with neo-sex chromosomes. The results obtained was counter-intuitive for us, because many genes on neo-sex chromosomes acquired sex-biased expression in larvae where sexual dimorphism seems small. Since many of these genes are involved in metabolism, acquiring neo-sex chromosomes has likely decreased the sexual conflict on body size in larvae.  Therefore, acquiring neo-sex chromosomes may lead to reduce the sexual conflict at the preadult stages. [Link] (Nov, 2023) 

・3月に卒業した小川雅文さんの修士論文の一部をGenes and Genetic Systems誌に発表しました.重イオンビームをミランダショウジョウバエに照射し,Y染色体上の遺伝子が機能喪失した直後の状態を模倣することで遺伝子量補償の即時性を検証した論文です.理研仁科センターの阿部知子博士,常泉和秀博士との共同研究です.野澤にとっては学生と初めて一緒に書いた論文になりますのでとても嬉しく思っていますまた,本論文の図がこの号の表紙に採用されました.小川さんおめでとうございます![リンク](2023.10

・A part of Masa (Masafumi Ogawa)'s master thesis was published in Genes and Genetic Systems. In this study, heavy ion beams were irradiated to Drosophila miranda to mimic the situation in which genes on the neo-Y chromosome are just non-functionalized. In this way, we tested whether dosage compensation immediately operate on the neo-X chromosome in response to the non-functionalization of the neo-Y genes. This is a collaborative work with Dr. Tomoko Abe and Dr. Kazuhide Tsuneizumi at RIKEN Nishina Center. A figure of this paper was used in the cover page of this issue. Congratulations, Masa! [Link] (Oct, 2023) 


Mid-term report meeting on Sex-chromosome cycle: Dissecting mechanisms of sex-extinction avoidance approaching from sex-chromosome turnover was held online. We appreciate all of you who attended the meeting! [Link] (Sep, 2023


・Ms. Sato (M2) received the Student Poster Award at the 25th SESJ meeting at Okinawa! We are very glad to know that her work was highly appreciated. Congratulations!! [Link] (Sep, 2023)

・日本遺伝学会第95回熊本大会にてポスドクの加藤さん,M1の内田さんが口頭発表を行いました.内田さんは初めての口頭発表でしたが,立派な発表だったと思います.色々と刺激ももらえたと思います.加藤さんは性比異常現象の原因因子の探索に関する発表が評価され,ベストペーパー賞(通称BP賞)を受賞しました.おめでとうございます!また,福井県立大の風間先生と野澤は『Mechanisms of avoiding sex extinction approaching from a variety of sex chromosomes』と題したワークショップを開催し,4人の先生方にご講演いただきました.活発な議論が行われ,にぎやかなワークショップとなりました.なお,野澤は2023年度の日本遺伝学会奨励賞を受賞し,受賞記念講演を行いました.今後もショウジョウバエを用いた性染色体進化研究を発展させていきたいと決意を新たにしました.[リンク](2023.9)

・Dr. Katoh (PD) and Ms. Uchida (M1) had oral presentations at the 95th GSJ meeting at Kumamoto. This is the first oral presentation for Ms. Uchida but she did a nice job. Dr. Kato's presentation about searching genetic factors for sex-ratio distortion in Drosophila obscura was highly appreciated and he received the Best Paper prize! Congratulations!! In addition, Prof. Kazama at Fukui Prefectural University and Nozawa organized the workshop entitled "Mechanisms of avoiding sex extinction approaching from a variety of sex chromosomes". We appreciate each of four invited speakers for kindly giving a wonderful talk! Nozawa received the Young Scientist Initiative Award from the GSJ and had a commemorative lecture. I will put everything in my power to push my research on sex-chromosome evolution forward. [Link] (Sep, 2023)


・Dr. Katoh (PD), Ms. Sato (M2), and Ms. Karaki (M1) had poster presentations at the 25th SESJ meeting at Okinawa. Each of them had many audience and obtained a lot of useful comments including future directions. Let us continue pushing our research forward! Nozawa also gave a talk at the symposium for remembering Dr. Masatoshi Nei.  (Sep, 2023)


・Nozawa's proposal entitled "Our proposal entitled "Establishing the methods to re-develop B-chromosome biology" was awarded as one of the projects from Platform for Advanced Genome Science. (Aug, 2023)

・イタリアのフェラーラで開催されたThe 2023 SMBE conferenceにて遺伝子量補償の柔軟性に関するポスター発表(3月に卒業した小川雅文さんの研究)を行いました.様々なコメントをいただき実りの多い学会となりました.また5月に亡くなられた根井正利先生の追悼シンポジウム「Symposium for celebrating Nei’s life and legacy」が開催され,野澤も根井先生との思い出を発表しました.根井先生の下で学んだ人たちが一堂に会し,とても印象深い会となりました.シンポジウムの模様はリンク先から視聴できます.[リンク](2023.7

I had a poster presentation at the 2023 SMBE conference in Ferrara, Italy on the flexibility of dosage compensation done by Masa (Masafumi Ogawa). I was able to get many useful comments on the research. Thank you very much! I also talked about my memory of Dr. Masatoshi Nei, who passed away on this May on the Symposium for celebrating Nei's life and legacy. Many alumni gathered to the symposium, which made the symposium very impressive. You can watch the symposium from the following link. [Link] (July, 2023


・I did an intensive lecture course as well as gave a seminar at Nagoya University. I really appreciate Prof. Minoru Tanaka for giving me such a great opportunity. (May, 2023) 


・A part of Masa (Masafumi Ogawa)'s master thesis was released in bioRxiv as a preprint. In this study, heavy ion beams were irradiated to Drosophila miranda to mimic the situation in which genes on the neo-Y chromosome are just non-functionalized. In this way, we tested whether dosage compensation immediately operate on the neo-X chromosome in response to the non-functionalization of the neo-Y genes. This is a collaborative work with Dr. Tomoko Abe and Dr. Kazuhide Tsuneizumi at RIKEN Nishina Center. [Link] (Apr, 2023) 


・Three people graduated and two undergrad students newly joined our group. In FY2023, our group consists of ten people (five students, one postdoc, one visiting researcher, two technical assistants, and myself).  We would like to actively enjoy our research projects! Also, I would like to congratulate the three graduates! Please enjoy your new life! (Apr, 2023) 


・Collaborative work with Dr. Tomoyo Iizuka and Dr. Kazuho Ikeo was deposited to bioRxiv. In this study, we searched genes that were convergently involved in forming septal pore caps in different lineages of mushroom. [Link] (Mar. 3, 2023)


・1st Annual Conference on Sex-Chromosome Cycle was held at Minami-osawa Campus of Tokyo Metropolitan University. In addition to oral and poster presentations, we invited Dr. Akane Kawaguchi (National Institute of Genetics) as a special lecturer. She kindly gave a wonderful talk on genome sequencing and molecular basis of regeneration in axolotl. Thank you very much! [Link] (Feb. 21-22, 2023)


One technical assistant position available. The person is expected to conduct experiments and analyses on sex chromosome evolution. Deadline for application is Nov. 30, 2022. [ Detailed information in Japanese] (Nov. 1, 2022)

・野澤のインタビュー記事が「生命科学連携推進協議会 先進ゲノム解析・研究推進プラットフォーム」のホームページに掲載されました。[リンク](2022.10)

・Article introducing Nozawa's research was released at the website of Committee on Promoting Collaboration in Life Sciences [Link] (Oct, 2022)

・日本遺伝学会第94回札幌大会にてM2の陳さんとM1の佐藤さんが口頭発表、M2の小川君がポスター発表を行いました.3人ともしっかり準備してよい発表だったと思います.また、その結果として小川君がYoung Best Poster賞(通称YBP賞)を受賞しました!おめでとうございます![リンク](2022.9)

・Ms. Chen (M2) and Ms. Sato (M1) had oral presentations and Mr. Ogawa (M2) had a poster presentation at the annual meeting of the 94th Genetics Society of Japan at Sapporo. They prepared very hard and did nice presentations. Consequently, Mr. Ogawa received the Young Best Poster Prize! Congratulations, Masa!! [Link] (Sep, 2022)


・We finally opened the website of our research group on Sex-chromosome cycle: Dissecting mechanisms of sex-extinction avoidance approaching from sex-chromosome turnover.  Please visit the following website. [Website] (Sep, 2022) 


・Kick-off symposium on Sex-chromosome cycle: Dissecting mechanisms of sex-extinction avoidance approaching from sex-chromosome turnover was held at Tokyo Metropolitan University as well as online. We appreciate all of you who attended the conference! [Link] (Aug, 2022) 


・Nozawa's proposal entitled "Establishing the method to re-develop B-chromosome biology"  was awarded as a Challenging Research  (Exploratory) from JSPS. (Jun, 2022) 

野澤が、生命科学4プラットフォーム 「支援説明会・キックオフシンポジウム」にて発表しました。先進ゲノム支援でご支援いただいた成果を発表できて良かったです。[リンク](2022.6

・Nozawa introduced our research project at the kick-off symposium for Committee on Promoting Collaboration in Life Sciences. Thank you very much for the invitation! [Link] (Jun, 2022

・領域代表として申請していた学術変革領域研究(B)「性染色体サイクル:性染色体の入れ替わりを基軸として解明する性の消滅回避機構」が採択されました.グループでの研究は初めてですが,領域メンバー(都立大 阿部拓也先生,京都大 桂有加子先生,福井県立大 風間裕介先生,広島大 井川武先生)一致団結して大きな成果を出せるよう頑張ります。[リンク](2022.5)

・A grant proposal entitled "Sex-chromosome cycle: Dissecting mechanisms of sex-extinction avoidance approaching from sex-chromosome turnover"  was awarded as a Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (B) from MEXT. This type of group research is new for us, we (Dr. Takuya Abe, Dr. Yukako Katsura, Dr. Yusuke Kazama, Dr. Takeshi Igawa, and myself) will work hard to make significant progresses in this area. [Link] (May, 2022) 


・Publish an article about evolution of sex chromosomes in Jikken-Igaku. (May, 2022)


・Four people newly joined our group. Now, our group consists of eleven people (six students, one postdoc, one visiting researcher, two technical assistants, and myself).  All new members decided their research topics. We would like to make huge leaps in this year! (Apr, 2022) 


・Mr. Ogawa (M2) 's grant proposal entitled "Mimicking sex chromosome reversal by using genome editing and change of dosage compensation" has been awarded by The Sasagawa Scientific Research Grant. Congratulation!! [Link] (Mar, 2022)


・Nozawa presented his research at the Retirement Symposium of Dr. Naruya Saitou. [Link] (Mar, 2022)


Prof. Saito's proposal entitled "Evolutionary mechanism of temperature dependent response in amphibians with different ecological niches and its molecular basis "  was awarded as a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) from JSPS. I will be responsible for NGS analyses as a co-investigator! (Feb, 2022


・An interview article of Nozawa's research has been published in the TMU journal, Miyacology. [Link] (Nov, 2021)

Genome Research誌から論文が出版されました.いくつかのショウジョウバエが持つネオ性染色体という起源の新しい染色体が共通の進化的な特徴を持つことを示した論文です.都立大に移ってから始めた研究としては初めての論文になります.結局5年以上かかってしまいましたが,どうにか出版できて良かったです.[論文][プレスリリース] [Eurek Alert!](2021.10)

・Our paper was finally out from Genome Research! In this study, we identified several aspects of shared evolutionary trajectory among three neo-sex chromosomes with independent origins in Drosophila. [paper][press release] [Eurek Alert!] (Oct, 2021)


Mr. Ogawa (M1) presented his progress at the annual meeting of the 93rd Genetics Society of Japan as oral presentation. He did a nice job and discussed a lot with audience. He is now trying to establish a new experimental approach with his own idea. We look forward to seeing his progress! (Sep, 2021)


・Ms. Sato (B4) presented her progress at the poster session at the 23rd SESJ meeting. She obtained a lot of useful discussion, which will definitely be useful for her future directions. Nozawa did an oral presentation at the symposium entitled "Evolution of sex-determination in animals" (Nozawa organized this symposium with Dr. Itoh at Kitazato University and Dr. Miura at Hiroshima University). As many as ~90 people attended the symposium and discussed a lot about the topics. Nozawa also organized Summer School on Evolution entitled "Evolution of morphology and function: approaches using computers" with Dr. Okada and Dr. Tachiki at Tokyo Metropolitan University. About 90 people attended and discussed a lot with the three invited speakers. (Aug, 2021)

・M1の小川君がThe 2nd AsiaEvo Conferenceにてポスター発表を行いました.色々とアドバイスももらえて今後の研究に活かせそうです.また野澤とカンザス大学のWen-Juan Ma博士が「Evolutionary genetics and genomics of sex determination and sex chromosomes」と題したシンポジウムをオーガナイズしました.約130名の方がご参加くださり、5人の講演者と活発な議論を行いました.どうもありがとうございました!(2021.8)

・Mr. Ogawa (M1) presented his progress at the poster session at the 2nd AsiaEvo Conference. He discussed a lot and obtained many suggestions which will be useful for his future research! In addition, Nozawa and Dr. Wen-Juan Ma at University of Kansas organized a symposium entitled  "Evolutionary genetics and genomics of sex determination and sex chromosomes" at the conference. As many as ~130 researchers attended the symposium and discussed with 5 invited speakers about the evolution of sex determination and sex chromosomes. (Aug, 2021)


・Mr. Ogawa (M1), Ms. Sato (B4), and Nozawa went to Okinawa to collect flies under supervision of Prof. Watada. It was tough but eventually we were able to collect the flies that we will focusing on! Thank you very much, Prof. Watada!! (May, 2021)


・Two students newly joined our group. Now, our group consists of six people (three students, two technical assistants, and myself).  We would like to pursue our research projects on sex chromosome evolution with emphasizing our unique approach. (Apr, 2021) 


・Nozawa's proposal entitled "Testing the speed and flexibility of dosage compensation  by mimicking the statuses at the initial and turn-over stages of sex chromosome evolution"  was awarded as a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) from JSPS. (Apr, 2021) 


One technical assistant position available. The person is expected to conduct experiments and analyses on sex chromosome evolution. Deadline for application is Sep. 10, 2020. [ Detailed information in Japanese] (Aug. 3, 2020) → Recruiting closed. Thank you very much for your applications!


One postdoc position on sex chromosome evolution available. Deadline for application is Aug. 31, 2020. [Detaild information in Japanese] (Jul. 6, 2020) → Recruiting closed. Thank you very much for your applications!

東京都立大学若手研究者等選抜型研究支援 に採択されました.(2020.6)

・Nozawa's proposal was awarded as Special Research Grant For Young Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University. (Jun, 2020)


・Publish an article about evolution of sex chromosomes in Nihon-no-Kagakusha and another one about spatial transcriptome in Jikken-Igaku. (May, 2020)

2020年3月9日に「TMU  International Symposium on Evolutionary Biology」が首都大学東京南大沢キャンパスにて開催されます.→新型コロナウィルスの感染拡大を防ぐため開催中止となりました.

"TMU  International Symposium on Evolutionary Biology" will be held at Tokyo Metropolitan University. → Canceled due to COVID-19.


・Nozawa's proposal entitled "Testing the conservation of miRNA-target pairs by using a novel method to exhaustively identify target genes of miRNAs"  was awarded as a Challenging Research  (Exploratory) from JSPS. (Jul, 2019) 

・生理学研究所の齋藤茂さんが中心となって行った「ツメガエル属の熱センシングの進化」に関する論文がMolecular Ecology誌にアクセプトされました!(2019.5)(ウェブサイトプレスリリース

・A paper on the evolution of thermal sensing in Xenopus led by Dr. Shigeru Saito at National Institute for Physiological Sciences was accepted by Molecular Ecology! (May, 2019) (Website, Press release in Japanese)

・丸善出版より「突然変異主導進化論」(  根井 正利 監訳、鈴木 善幸 訳、野澤 昌文 訳)が出版されました!(2019.4)

Japanese translation of "Mutation-driven Evolution" translated by Dr. Masatoshi Nei, Dr. Yoshiyuki Suzuki, and Nozawa was published from Maruzen Co. Ltd. (Apr, 2019)