The Beginning: A Sensory Awarness Project

A brief history of me and my project:

My name is Shannon Gallaher. I am a student at Mamaroneck High School and have been in the MUFSD system for both my primary and secondary education. I created a sensory garden for my Girl Scout Gold Award Project, which is my last step in the program, in the existing garden at Mamaroneck Avenue School. I attended MAS as a child and I have always held my years at that school in a special place in my heart and participated in helping the school's orchestra program through clubs at the high school. It has always been a belief of mine that, in order to learn in school, a student must feel safe and comfortable. I decided to make a sensory garden because of how I value sensory awareness and how it has helped me to feel safe in school and in my day to day life. I wanted other students to have a safe space in the school so that they have the opportunity to get the most out of their education.


My wish is that this garden provides a safe and serene environment for students to use throughout the day. Safety and education should/do go hand-in-hand, and in creating a safer environment, students are given the opportunity to learn in a way that makes learning a more comfortable process. School isn't easy; it challenges your brian in ways that can make someone feel anxious and uncomfortable. And, considering school is an unavoidable place, it can be a constant source of discomfort for many. I hope that with this garden students are given a way to be comfortable, and therefore feel safe, in an uncomfortable environment.