
Key publications

1. Comanducci A, Boly M, Claassen J, De Lucia M, Gibson RM, Juan E, Laureys S, Naccache L , Owen AM, Rosanova M, Rossetti AO , Schnakers C, Sitt JD, Schiff ND, Massimini M (2020) Clinical and advanced neurophysiology in the prognostic and diagnostic evaluation of disorders of consciousness: review of an IFCN-endorsed expert group. Clinical Neurophysiology, 131 (11): 2736-2765

2. Pfeiffer C., De Lucia M (2017) Cardio-audio synchronization drives neural surprise response. Scientific Reports, 7 (1):14842.

3. Juan E, Nguepnjo Nguissi NA, Tzovara A, Viceic D, Rusca M, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M. (2016) Evidence of trace conditioning in comatose patients revealed by the reactivation of EEG responses to alerting sounds. Neuroimage, 41:530-41.

4. Juan E, De Lucia M, Tzovara A, Beaud V, Oddo M, Clarke S Rossetti AO (2016) Prediction of cognitive outcome based on the progression of auditory discrimination during coma. Resuscitation 106, pp. 89-95

5. Tzovara A, Rossetti A, Juan E, Suys T, Viceic D, Rusca M, Oddo M, De Lucia M . (2016) Prediction of awakening from hypothermic post anoxic coma based on auditory discrimination. Annals of Neurology, 79, pp. 748-757

6. Tzovara A, Simonin A, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2015) Neural detection of complex sound sequences in the absence of consciousness. Brain 138(Pt 5):1160-6

7. Tzovara A, Rossetti AO, Spierer L, Grivel J, Murray MM, Oddo M, De Lucia M (2013) Progression of auditory discrimination based on neural decoding predicts awakening from coma. Brain, 136(Pt 1):81-9.

All other publications

8. Aellen FM, Alnes, SL, Loosli F, Rossetti AO, Zubler F, De Lucia M, Tzovara A. Auditory stimulation and deep learning predict awakening from coma after cardiac arrest. Brain, in press

9. Marchesotti S, Bernasconi F, Rognini G, De Lucia M , Bleuler H, Blanke O. Neural signatures of visuomotor integration during human-robot interactions. Frontiers in Neurorobotics, in press

10. Oliveira R, Pelentritou A, Di Domenicantonio G, De Lucia M, Lutti A (2022) In vivo Estimation of Axonal Morphology From Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Electroencephalography Data. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 16: 874023

12. Riganello F, Zubler M, Haenggi M, De Lucia M (2022) Heart rate complexity provides an early and fast prognostic marker of patients outcome after cardiac arrest. Clinical Neurophysiology, 134: 27-33

13. Alnes S.L., De Lucia M., Rossetti A.O., Tzovara A (2021) Complementary roles of neural synchrony and complexity for indexing consciousness and chances of surviving in acute coma. NeuroImage, 245, 118638.

14. Lasaponara S, D'Onofrio M, Pinto M, Aiello M, Pellegrino M, Scozia G, De Lucia M, Doricchi F (2021) Individual EEG profiling of attention deficits in left spatial neglect: A pilot study. Neuroscience Letters, 761, 136097

15. Schneider C, Marquis R, Jöhr J, Lopes da Silva M, Ryvlin P, Serino A, De Lucia M*, Diserens K* (2021) Disentangling the percepts of illusory movement and sensory stimulation during tendon vibration in the EEG. Neuroimage, 241, 118431, *joint last authorship

16. Kustermann T, Nguissi NAN, Pfeiffer C, Haenggi M, Kurmann R, Zubler F, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2020) Brain functional connectivity during the first day of coma reflects long-term outcome. Neuroimage Clinical, 27: 102295

17. De Lucia M, Kustermann T, Zubler F, Rossetti AO (2020) Reply to: It was not true under therapeutic hypothermia. Resuscitation , 146:275-276.

18. Noel JP, Chatelle C, Perdikis S, Jöhr J, Lopes Da Silva M, Ryvlin P, De Lucia M, Millán JDR, Diserens K, Serino A (2019) Peri-personal space encoding in patients with disorders of consciousness and cognitive-motor dissociation. Neuroimage Clinical, 24: 101940

19. Kustermann T, Nguissi NAN, Pfeiffer C, Haenggi M, Kurmann R, Zubler F, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2019) Electroencephalography-based power spectra allow coma outcome prediction within 24 h of cardiac arrest. Resuscitation, 142:162-167

20. Caporro M, Rossetti AO, Seiler A, Kustermann T, Nguissi NAN, Pfeiffer C, Zimmermann R, Haenggi M, Oddo M, De Lucia M, Zubler F (2019) Electromyographic reactivity measured with scalp-EEG contributes to prognostication after cardiac arrest. Resuscitation, 138:146-152

21. Hartmann L, Wachtl L, De Lucia M, Spierer L (2019) Practice-induced functional plasticity in inhibitory control interacts with aging. Brain and Cognition, 132: 22-32

22. Tzovara A & De Lucia M. (2019) Can the brain of a patient in a coma react to sounds? Frontiers for Young Minds. 7:19.

23. Pfeiffer C, Nguissi NAN, Chytiris M, Bidlingmeyer P, Haenggi M, Kurmann R, Zubler F, Accolla E, Viceic D, Rusca M, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2018) Somatosensory and auditory deviance detection for outcome prediction during postanoxic coma. Ann Clin Transl Neurol., 5(9):1016-1024.

24. Lasaponara S, D'Onofrio M, Pinto M, Dragone A, Menicagli D, Bueti D, De Lucia M, Tomaiuolo F, Doricchi F (2018) EEG Correlates of Preparatory Orienting, Contextual Updating, and Inhibition of Sensory Processing in Left Spatial Neglect. Journal of Neuroscience, 38(15):3792-3808

25. Juan E, De Lucia M, Beaud V, Oddo M, Rusca M, Viceic D, Clarke S, Rossetti AO (2018) How Do You Feel? Subjective Perception of Recovery as a Reliable Surrogate of Cognitive and Functional Outcome in Cardiac Arrest Survivors. Crit. Care Med., 46(4):e286-e293

26. Pfeiffer C, Nguissi NAN, Chytiris M, Bidlingmeyer P, Haenggi M, Kurmann R, Zubler F, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2017) Auditory discrimination improvement predicts awakening of postanoxic comatose patients treated with targeted temperature management at 36°C. Resuscitation, 118: 89-95.

27. De Lucia M, Tzovara A. (2016) Reply: Replicability and impact of statistics in the detection of neural responses of consciousness. Brain, 139(Pt 6), p. e32

28. Tzovara A, Simonin A, Oddo M, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2015) Reply: Neural detection of complex sound sequences or of statistical regularities in the absence of consciousness? Brain 138(Pt 12):e396

29. Chouiter L, Tzovara A, Dieguez S, Annoni JM, Magezi D, De Lucia M*, Spierer L.* (2015) Experience-based Auditory Predictions Modulate Brain Activity to Silence as Do Real Sounds. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27(10):1968-80.*equal contribution

30. De Lucia M, Tzovara A (2015) Decoding auditory EEG responses in healthy and clinical populations: A comparative study. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, S0165-0270(14)00387-2.

31. Tzovara A, Chavarriaga R, De Lucia M (2015) Quantifying the time for accurate EEG decoding of single value-based decisions. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, S0165-0270(14)00354-9.

32. Cossy N*, Tzovara A*, Simonin A, Rossetti AO, De Lucia M (2014) Robust discrimination between EEG responses to categories of environmental sounds in early coma. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 155 *equal contribution

33. Rossetti AO, Tzovara A, Murray MM, De Lucia M, Oddo M. (2014) Automated auditory mismatch negativity paradigm improves coma prognostic accuracy after cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia. Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology, 31(4):356-61.

34. Tzovara A, Murray MM, Plomp G, Herzog MH, Michel CM, De Lucia M (2012) Decoding stimulus-related information from single-trial EEG responses based on voltage topographies. Pattern Recognition. 45( 6): 2109–2122.

35. Tzovara A, Murray MM, Bourdaud N, Chavarriaga R, del R. Millán J, De Lucia M (2012) The timing of exploratory decision-making revealed by single-trial topographic EEG analyses. Neuroimage. 60(4):1959-69.

36. Tzovara A, Murray MM, Michel CM, De Lucia M (2012). A tutorial review of electrical neuroimaging from group-average to single-trial event-related potentials. Developmental Neuropsychology. 37(6):518-44.

37. De Lucia M, Tzovara A, Bernasconi F, Spierer L, Murray MM (2012) Auditory perceptual decision-making based on semantic categorization of environmental sounds. Neuroimage. 60(3):1704-15.

38. Bernasconi F*, De Lucia M*, Tzovara A*, Manual A, Murray MM, Spierer L (2011) Noise in brain activity engenders perception and influences discrimination sensitivity. Journal of Neuroscience 31(49):17971-17981. *equal contribution

39. De Lucia M*, Constantinescu I*, Sterpenich V, Pourtois G, Seeck M, Schwartz S (2011) Decoding sequence learning from single-trial intracranial EEG in humans. Plos One 6(12):e28630. *equal contribution

40. Cocchi L, Zalesky A, Toepel U, Whitford TJ, De Lucia M, Murray MM, Carter O (2011) Dynamic changes in brain functional connectivity during concurrent dual-task performance. Plos One 6(11):e28301.

41. Cocchi L, Toepel U, De Lucia M, Martuzzi R, Wood SJ, Carter O, Murray MM (2011) Working memory load improves early stages of independent visual processing Neuropsychologia. 49(1):92-102.

42. De Lucia M, Clarke S, Murray MM (2010) A temporal hierarchy for conspecific vocalization discrimination in humans. Journal of Neuroscience. 30(33): 11210-21

43. Spierer L*, De Lucia M*, Bernasconi F, Grivel J, Bourquin NM, Clarke S, Murray MM (2010) Learning-induced plasticity in human audition: Objects, time and space Hearing Research. 23(2): 119-27, *equal contribution

44. De Lucia M, Michel CM, Murray MM (2010). Comparing ICA-based and single-trial topographic ERP analyses in human EEG. Brain Topography 23(2) p. 119-27

45. De Lucia M, Cocchi L, Martuzzi R, Meuli RA, Clarke S, Murray MM (2010). Perceptual and semantic contributions to repetition priming of environmental sounds Cerebral Cortex 20(7): 1676-84.

46. De Lucia M, Camen C, Clarke S, Murray MM (2009). The role of actions in auditory object discrimination. Neuroimage 48(2): 475-85.

47. Abascal JF, Arridge SR, Atkinson D, Horesh R, Fabrizi L, De Lucia M, Horesh L, Bayford RH, Holder DS (2008). Use of anisotropic modelling in electrical impedance tomography: description of method and preliminary assessment of utility in imaging brain function in the adult human head. Neuroimage 43(2): 258-68.

48. De Lucia M, Fritschy J, Dayan P, Holder DS (2008). A novel method for automated classification of epileptiform activity in the human electroencephalogram-based on independent component analysis. Med Biol Eng Comput 46(3): 263-72.

49. De Lucia M, Parker GJ, Embleton K, Newton JM, Walsh V (2007). Diffusion tensor MRI-based estimation of the influence of brain tissue anisotropy on the effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation. Neuroimage 36(4): 1159-70.

50. De Lucia M, Bottaccio M, Montuori M, Pietronero L (2005). Topological approach to neural complexity. Physical Review E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 71: 016114.

51. Tecchio F, De Lucia M, Salustri C, Montuori M, Bottaccio M, Babiloni C, Pietronero L, Zappasodi F, Rossini PM (2004). District-related frequency specificity in hand cortical representation: dynamics of regional activation and intra-regional synchronization. Brain Research 1014(1-2) p. 80-6.

52. De Lucia M, Mazzino A, Vulpiani A (2001). Dumb-bell model for polymer transport in laminar flows. Europhys Lett 60 (2): 181-7

Book Chapters

53. Guger C, Coyle D, Mattia D, De Lucia M, Hochberg L, Edlow BL, Peters B, Eddy B, Nam CS, Noirhomme Q, Allison BZ, Annen J (2017) Trends in BCI research I: Brain-computer interfaces for assessment of patients with locked-in syndrome or disorders of consciousness. Brain-Computer Interface Research: A State-of-the-Art Summary 6. pp105-125. Publisher Springer, Cham

54. De Lucia M, Tzovara A (2015). Prognostic Use of Cognitive EP in Acute Consciousness Impairment. In: Clinical Neurophysiology in Disorders of Consciousness - Brain Function Monitoring in the ICU and Beyond. Springer

55. Murray MM, De Lucia M, Brunet D, Michel CM (2009). Principles of Topographic Analyses of Electrical Neuroimaging. In: Event-Related Potentials II: Advances in ERP, EEG, & MEG Analysis . MIT Press (Handy TC, Ed).