YAGM Mexico

2023-2024 YAGM Mexico Cohort

Left to right: Simon, Shannon, Yours Truly, Elizabeth, Justin

The YAGM Mexico 2023-2024 program is the first year back since the COVID-19 pandemic! It is led by country coordinator Soliette Lopez and Pastor Juliana Alonso (my host-mom!) There are five volunteers this year serving in  Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Tepoztlán. Site placements include working at migrant and refugee shelters, a community development non-profit, coordinating events at the local church, and an after-school program that brings community playtime to children in rural settings. All volunteers live with a host family which provides them with insight into everyday life in Mexico, family dynamics, cultural traditions and experiences, and Spanish language immersion.

Click below to learn more about some of the communities and organizations that we are serving this year!! 

Most websites should be able to be translated into English.