Fertility Massage

Female infertility is one of the prevailing problems in society. The good news is that you can get pregnant naturally without in-vitro fertilization and other Assisted Conception treatments

Just like Every other Disease, Infertility in Women indicates a reproductive system problem that needs to be corrected. The body can often resolve the problem itself if given the necessary treatment

For more information and for booking an appointment, you can call me through this number 403-918-7241 or online booking via Facebook Page MarvenMTC

About this Session

This is my specialty and I am highly trained and skilled in injury rehab and pain relief and offer a wide range of massage modalities with my unique, personal styles and special techniques. Your session will always be customized for your individual needs and lifestyle modifications or follow-up care.

Rates for this massage

30 minutes $65.00

60 minutes $90.00

90 minutes $120.00