Our Services

We’re excited about the opportunity to help you relax and rejuvenate — or help you recover from pain or injury. What’s great about us here at Marven Massage and Treatment Clinic is that we create a customized treatment just for you to help you achieve the results you are seeking.

Hotstone Massage

Combining hot stone protocols with a full body massage provides a very healing and effective experience.

Sports Massage

An athlete is a person who participates in sports either as an amateur or a professional. Often the activity involves repetition.

Reflexology Massage

Foot Reflexology massage can be a deeply relaxing and therapeutic modality for those suffering from plantar fasciitis etc.

Cupping Massage

An amazing healing modality adapted from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that involves suction and negative pressure, rather than tissue compression.

Motor Vehicle Accident Rehabilitation (MVA)

These modalities require specialized training in post graduate techniques and are best utilized initially by a commitment to a three treatment “plan” to redirect the tissue dysfunction.

Fertility Massage

Female Infertility is one of the prevailing problems in the society. The good news is that you can get pregnant naturally without invitro fertilization and other Assisted Conception treatments