In the special "Red Ribbon Revenge", Pan and Bulla were exploring the ruins of an abandoned base. They, however, were not aware of the abandoned base being the Red Ribbon Army's and re-activated the scrapped androids created by Dr. Gero. Androids 1-7 were re-activated when Bulla accidently elbowed the activation switch after being scared by a giant cockroach while failing to find a cell phone signal. Android 7 was the last to be re-activated while Pan and Bulla were ambushed and then battled by Android 2 and Android 3. After noticing Pan and Bulla struggling with the androids, Android 7 then went to Bullas rescue after charging at and damaging Android 3 since she was closer. After Android 3 was disabled for a time, Bulla then thanked Android 7 and then went to Pans aid while she was fighting Android 2. After fighting and then eventually disabling Android 2, They all went away to retreat from the base by recommendation of Android 7 but not long after were ambushed by Android 4 and Android 5. After a quick skirmish with the two androids, the three retreat to s safe location recommended by Android 7. Android 7 gives a brief history of The Red Ribbon Army and Dr. Gero and the first generation of Androids created by him. After the exposition, Pan says she vaguely remembers her Grandfather, Goku, telling her the story of how he once defeated a whole army and that he was probably referring to The Red Ribbon Army. Android 7 confirms that a very young and very powerful boy was the one who destroyed the base and voices his displeasure of the site of death and agony everywhere and how much of a big mess the boy had made for him to clean. Android 7 then revealed that he cannot simply destroy these particular Androids because of the "Family Chip" with in it's matrix core and that all of these other androids have that same chip. So they then try to devise a plan to deactivate and disable all the androids without destroying them. While devising a plan, they are startled by a thumping noise in the ceiling of the garage they were in. A black figure appears and falls onto Android 7 and is revealed to be Android 1. After Pan tried to attack it, Android 7 intervenes and stops her and says that Android 1 is peaceful just like him. Annoyed by Android 1's child like behavior Bulla tells him to not annoy her any further or she will take him home and force him to have a very girly tea party with her. Android 1 reminds 7 of the main computer and how it's still working. So they decide to use that to their advantage and while Bulla and Android 1 go to locate the main computer, Android 7 and Pan will go to distract the remaining androids. Pan asks 7 if it would like another name besides boring old "Android 7" and while 7 was okay with being named that, Pan decided she will call him "Big Red" with 7's approval. While walking down a corridor, they were again ambushed but by Android 6 this time. Knowing Android 6 can inflict more damage potentially than the other Androids because of it's arsenal of attacks, Android 7 throws Pan far away and fights with Android 6. After disabling Android 6 with some difficulty, Pan arrives back and they then go look for a station to repair Android 7. Pan admit's she knows nothing of repairing machines or anything about machines but Android 7 calms her and tell her that he can do it himself and all she needs to do is help Android 7 find certain parts and implements to help repair itself. After the repairs they run down a very dark corridor and Pan bumps into something hard which turns out to be Android 0. before she tries to attack, Android 7 reminds pan that Android 0 is another non aggressive android but is sensing that Android 0 is not itself since it is lumbering everywhere and crashing into things. Android 7 sees that Android 0's ram chip is a little shorted. Knowing how Android 0 has the most information about The main computer and how similar both of their programming are, Android 7 tells Pan to bring 0 to the main computer where Bulla had just found after she radioed Pan. Pan tells Android 7 not to go by himself but Android 7 tells Pan not to worry about it as it's much stronger than all of the other Androids and will be a better fighter alone. After Android 7 confronts and tries and fails to talk the other android out of fighting, a fight ensues and after a semi lengthily battle, Pan arrives with Android 1 and they help Android 7 and as the battle is continuing, Bulla uses Android 0's ability to shutdown all the androids via the main computer and they send a EMP wave that disables all the androids including Android 7. Fearing Android 7 was destroyed because they couldn't find a way to re-activate it, Pan and Bulla finally find a cell phone signal and then call Bulma and explain to her what happened and ask her if she can help escort Android 7 to their house to turn him back on. After hours of trying, Bulma was eventually successful at turning Android 7 back on. After Android 7 thanked her for turning it back on Bulma told it that she should be thanking him for saving Bull and Pan and it was the least she can do. Android 7 then asked he if she was wiling to do more for him as he wanted the other Androids to be turned back on and have their programing changed to being similar to Android 7's own since he considered the other androids family and didnt want to abandon them like Gero did. Bulma agrees since she sees it might be a fun challenge and said she also vowed years ago to undo everything that creep Dr. Gero has done anyway to prove her superiority. After reprograming most of the androids except 1 and 0, Bulma decided to upgrade them and keep them at Capsule Corp as most of them were animal like and Dr.Brief grew quite fond of them and Bulla wanted to keep Android 1 as a doll for tea parties much to the androids dismay. As for Android 7, Bulma decided to use the android as a personal security guard for Capsule Corp as she thought they would need something like that around whenever Vegeta and/or Trunks weren't around. When not at Capsule Corp, Android 7 is considered a city hero as it flies around helping people and has it's own Ambulance service, saving many lives (including animals) everyday.

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