PLIDE project
Pest and Latitudinal Influences on Decomposition Experiment

About PLIDE project

PLIDE (Pest and Latitudinal Influences on Decomposition Experiment) project is a long-term experiment to monitor the decomposition processes of coarse dead woods along with a wide range of latitude in Japan.

Ongoing experiments:

  • Logs of Quercus serrata were installed in 7 sites across a wide range of latitude in Japan. In 4 of the 7 sites, mass mortality due to Japanese Oak Wilt disease has occurred. Logs of dead trees due to the JOW and those experimentally cut from living trees were installed in the sites. Changes in wood density, water content, chemical composition such as lignin content, microbial communities has been surveyed 3 times a year since 2017.

PLIDE (Pest and Latitudinal Influences on Decomposition Experiment)プロジェクトは 日本の幅広い緯度に沿って枯死木の分解をモニタリングするための長期実験です。


  • ミズナラQuercus serrataの丸太を日本の幅広い緯度範囲の7箇所に設置しています。7箇所中4箇所ではナラ枯れが発生しており(開始当初)、ナラ枯れで枯死した丸太と伐採によって枯死した丸太の両方を設置しています。


参加サイト Experimental sites (see more details here)

  • 苫小牧 Tomakomai

  • 青葉山 Aobayama

  • 秩父 Chichibu

  • 田無 Tanashi

  • 赤津 Akazu

  • 山城 Yamashiro

  • 田野 Tano


東北大学大学院農学研究科・農学部 資源生物科学専攻 植物生産科学講座 生物共生科学分野