Hi, I'm Martin Atanasov.

My personal projects

Computer Store - Spring Fullstack demo project 

Software architecture: MVC

Project status: in development (early stage)

Clould Platform: AWS Elastic Beanstalk 

This is online store web application. 

Features: The web application supports roles (customer, manager, admin), login/register, search for products base on category, order products

Tools/library: Java 21, Spring (Web MVC, JPA, Validation, Actuator, Data REST, Security, AOP), Thymeleaf, JavaScript, Lombok, Bulma (Boostrap competitor), Maven, MySQL

Event Notebook (Android OS - Java)

Software architecture: MVC

Project status: in development (mid stage)

This is notebook for life events. 

Features: App themes, CRUD new Event, add location, avatar and priority, start-end time (time and date picker), android notifications, alarm manager, notification channels, custom dialogs, tutorial guide, navigation menu, animated views, REST requests, UI test example with Espresso.

Tools/library: SQLite,  Glide, Volley, Espresso, Shimmer, MPAndroidChart, Easypermissions

Spring JPA Rest Data and Swagger-UI Example (Java)

This is Spring JPA rest project with MySQL database and swagger-ui for testing purpose. CRUD operations on the test data class with validations and custom exception handler. 

Tools/library: MySQLJava, Spring, JPA Data with Rest, JPA Validations, Swagger-UI

Automation tests (Java, Selenium, POM)

1. Login form

2. Motionintegrator workshop

Login form test scenario:

Motionintegrator workshop test scenario:

Tools: Maven, TestNG, Selenium, WebDriverManager, Page Object Model, headless tests, mobile tests

Freelance - Comerse website (HTML, CSS, JS)

This website is product for real customers. About technologies I use html, css, Javascript, boostrap framework especially for the navigation bar, AOS timing library, google analitics, google maps api and SEO check free tools. It is very popular and easy to find.

Simple Calculator - available at Play Store (Android OS - Java)

Features: Beautiful design, Working interface, Display mode: portrait/landscape, Resolution: MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI, XXXHDPI, DayNight mode.

Fishing game (Java - MVC)

Software architecture: MVC

This is console game writen in Java.

Features: XML parser for string resources, save/load records in/from .txt file, color messages, game navigation, game score calculation


PostgreSQL - Relational DB example (OS-Linux)

Task 1 "query": Create relational database with records:

Task 2 "usersAndSecurity": Increase security by creating roles, users, manage schema privilegies:

Tools: PostgreSQL, Linux OS

Complete project list: github.com/balantaim