My skills

Skills that describe me

Personal skills: teamwork, analytical skills, creativity, presentation skills, logical thinking

Computer skills

Computer skills and competences: Linux, AutoCad, SolidWorks, Mathcad, MS Office, Photoshop, Krita, Postman, JavaScript, C++, Java, Kotlin, SQL, NoSQL, TypeScript, git

Frameworks/Library: Bootstrap, Gson, Glide, OkHttp, Espresso, Bulma, Spring, Thymeleaf, Micronaut

IDEs/Editors: Eclipse, Android Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, MS Visual Studio, VS Code, Sublime Text

Databases: MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MongoDB, H2

Other: HTML, CSS, XML, OOP, SEO, Jira, Selenium, Playwright, Gradle, Maven, CAD/CAM technology


Additional qualifications: 

Spring Boot 3, Spring 6 & Hibernate for Beginners - 34 hours exercises include Spring MVC, Spring Security, Spring data, Spring JPA REST, Thymeleaf, Spring Actuator, Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP). Graduation date 29.02.2024;

Advanced Selenium WebDriver with Java and TestNG - Provided by Udemy E-learning, date 11.02.2023;

Quality Assurance and automated testing of modern software systems - Three months course provided by SoftServe. The project include testing on real web application by using Docker environment. Date 26.01.2023;

Selenium WebDriver with Java for beginners - Provided by Udemy E-learning, date 11.01.2023;

Software Testing and Quality Assurance Fundamentals led by Peter Sabev, Webbicus Ltd, certificate № 00317, 30th June 2021;

Linux Essentials in the Cisco Networking Academy, date  06.10.2020;

Erasmus+: International training 60 hours "Being a youth worker today" in Lecce, Italy from December 10th - 17th 2018;

English language (A2, B1, B2) acquired by “Astoria Group” certificate № 5838, date 20.04.2017.