News 2013

  • 11/2014 Oliver Gressel receives European Research Council Starting Grant

  • 11/2014 NBIA Workshop on Stellar Cluster Formation and Dynamics (joint with StarPlan)

  • 11/2014 Thomas Berlok begins his PhD in the Theoretical Astrophysics Group at NBIA

  • 10/2014 4th CPH-Lund Disk Meeting held in Lund

  • 09/2014 Thomas Berlok defends his MSc Thesis successfully!

  • 09/2014 Henrik Latter (Cambridge) visits NBIA

  • 09/2014 New computer clusters with a total of 2800 cores are online!

  • 08/2014 New 800-core cluster including 80 Xeon-Phi accelerator cards delivered!

  • 08/2014 Jihad Touma (AUB) visits NBIA

  • 08/2014 Shu-ichiro Inutsuka (Nagoya Univeristy) visits NBIA

  • 08/2014 Neal Turner (NASA JPL) visits NBIA

  • 08/2014 Jim Stone (Princeton University) visits NBIA

  • 08/2014 Mark Wardle (Macquarie University) visits NBIA

  • 08/2014 3rd Workshop on ICM, Theory and Computation

  • 08/2014 Workshop on Non-Ideal MHD, Stability, and Dissipation in Protoplanetary Disks

  • 07/2014 New 2000-core general purpose computer cluster delivered!!!

  • 07/2014 Jan Staff (Macquarie University) visits NBIA

  • 06/2014 Richard Nelson (Queen Mary) visits NBIA

  • 06/2014 Neal Turner (NASA JPL) visits NBIA

  • 04/2014 Dhruba Mitra (NORDITA) visits NBIA

  • 03/2014 Villum Foundation funds state-of-the-art 2000-core cluster!

  • 03/2014 Rodrigo Fernandez (Berkeley) visits NBIA

  • 03/2014 Sami Dib joins the Theoretical Astrophysics Group at NBIA and StarPlan as a Marie Curie Fellow

  • 03/2014 3rd CPH-Lund Disk Meeting held in CPH

  • 02/2014 Chris Ormel (Berkeley) visits NBIA

  • 02/2014 Carsten Littek (Heidelberg) visits NBIA

  • 02/2014 Frederico Fiuza (LLNL) visits NBIA

  • 02/2014 Jonathan Ramsey (Heidelberg) visits NBIA

  • 02/2014 Lukas Konstandin (Heidelberg) visits NBIA

  • 02/2014 Min Kai-Lin (CITA) visits NBIA

  • 02/2014 StarPlan retreat in Bormio, Italy

  • 01/2014 Arnaud Beck (Laboratoire Leprince-Ringuet) visits NBIA

  • 01/2014 Four new powerful 32-core data analysis DELL servers, with 768 GB of memory, are online!