Broad audience communication & media coverage


Talk on "The Economics of Mental Health" as part of the "What Economists Really Do" series (University of Oxford)

5centims: "Broadband Internet and attitudes towards migrants: Evidence from Spain" [Article]

Vox EU: "Workers' responses to the threat of automation" [Article]



Royal Economic Society:

Vox EU: "Lockdowns widen the gender gap in mental health" [Article]

UN World Happiness Report: "Work and Well-being during COVID-19: Impact, Inequalities, Resilience, and the Future of Work" (with Maria Cotofan, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Micah Kaat and George Ward) [Chapter]

[In Italian] Etica ed Economia: "Il diseguale impatto della crisi da coronavirus sul mondo del lavoro: Germania, Regno Unito e Stati Uniti a confronto" [Article]


HCEO Research Spotlight: "The Impact of the Coronavirus Lockdown on Mental Health: Evidence from the US" [Article]

Vox EU: Working from home: The polarising workplace  [Article]

Vox EU: The large and unequal impact of COVID-19 on workers  [Article]

[In Italian] Il Sole 24 Ore: "Perché i millennials usciranno ancora piú poveri da questa crisi" [Article]

Covid Inequality Project

See here for all press coverage of the Covid Inequality Project

Policy writing

Work and Well-being during COVID-19: Impact, Inequalities, Resilience, and the Future of Work

(with Maria Cotofan, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Micah Kaat and George Ward)UN World Happiness Report 2021

Have currency-based capital flow management measures curbed international banking flows? 

(with A. de Crescenzio and F. Molteni) OECD Working Papers on International Investment, 2017/04, OECD Publishing 

Currency-based measures targeting banks - Balancing national regulation of risk and financial openness 

(with A. de Crescenzio and A. C. Ott)OECD Working Papers on International Investment, 2015/03, OECD Publishing, Paris