Science / academic work  and  consulting

Science / academic work

My research is driven by fundamental problems in biology and (bio)medicine, with a focus on building quantitative, predictive models. Projects in my research lab incorporate multi-scale modelling and simulations, artificial intelligence (AI),  bioengineering, and both microbiology and molecular biology tools to investigate: (1) host-microbiota interactions in complex human diseases, (2) microbial multi-drug resistance, and (3) gene expression and chromatin organization. In addition, we study the role and effect of mechanical forces ('mechanicanobiology') and cell compartmentalization in pathogenesis.

In my work, I combine cutting edge modeling and simulation techniques with experimental design and analysis of experimental data. This data includes DNA/RNA/ATAC/ChIP-seq, metabolomics, proteomics, super-resolution microscopy and more. Many of the questions I address involve the integration of these data into fully calibrated models that have predictive power, revealing testable experiments in fundamental biology and translational research, primarily aimed at identifying effective biomarkers and viable precision therapeutics.


Other than science, I also trained in International Business Management. I am licensed to consult and have assisted organizations in various ways, such as negotiation, mediation and change management.


Dr. Tatiana T.  Márquez Lago

Associate Professor, Department of Genetics, 

Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, 

Associate Professor, Department of Cell, Developmental and Integrative Biology,

Associate Professor, Department of Biology,

O'Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center, and 

Gregory Fleming James Cystic Fibrosis Research Center,

University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) School of Medicine

Please contact via:                                     ( UAB academic work )   or        ( other inquiries | consulting )

Marquez-Lago Lab and other websites:

Marquez-Lago Lab websites:

UAB SOM profile: access here

LinkedIn: access link

Some Mathematics genealogy relatives: Poincaré  and Leibnitz   :)

AcademiaNet (through Swiss National Science Foundation nomination): access link 

Research gate: access link

Google scholar