Good reads

I am a book worm - only a few things in the world beat a good cup of coffee with a book :)

I love scientific reads, history and fiction, but also enjoy reading cognitive psychology and the evolution of social systems. Here are some books I've read recently:

  • The Persuaders: The hidden industry that wants to change your mind, by James Garvey

I got this book as a gift and started reading it in 2016, when I was on sabbatical at the University of Cambridge in the UK. It is shocking, revealing, and to a certain extent deeply saddening. I could not bear finish it with all surprising world political changes that year, but have braved and set my mind to do so now ...

  • Clean: The new science of skin, by James Hamlin

This book is a mind-blowing collage of skin biology, history of soaps, shampoos and skin care products, the surprising lack of surveillance and regulation in such products, as well as possible impacts to the human microbiome and health.

  • Weapons of math destruction: How big data increases inequality, by Cathy O'Neil

This book is a wonderful introduction to basic maths in algorithms used every day, the design of which creates or reinforces inequality in societies.