Lodge Announcements

Willing to spend themselves in the service of others

-Monthly updates on Friday after the third Wednesday of every month-

Letter From The Chief

-August, 2022-

Greetings Arrowman!!

My name is Luke Kolasky, and I have the great honor of serving as the lodge chief for the 2022-2023 term. You can read more about our goals for this year in the upcoming sachem, but I would like to take some time now to reflect on the summer and give information on some of our upcoming events.

Over the summer we successfully inducted over 100 new members into our order, and I would like to once again personally congratulate every new member. Of course, our induction weekends would not be possible without our amazing inductions staff, so a very large thank you to everyone who helped at our ordeals as well. We have one more ordeal this year at Camp Stambaugh on september 23rd and 24th. If you would like to help at this next ordeal in any capacity, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/eWDgz1pVzW31Qsmh8 or email ordeal@marnoc.org for more information!

And now, a quick word from our VCP…

Ahoy me Brothers! Corey Teuton, Vice Chief of Program here! I cannot wait to see you guys at these coming fellowships this year. The one that we have coming up will be our Fall Fellowship on October 7th - 9th at Camp Butler, with check in starting at 7:00 till 8:00 pm at the Baden Powell Pavilion. This year's theme is “Ahoy, Me Fellow Brothers!” and we will be having a lot of pirate themed activities along with training opportunities for HAM (Amature) radio conducted by myself, and our Treasurer, Bernadette Wagner. We will also have a signs, signals, and codes course, which scouts can use towards the signs, signals, and codes merit badge. Make sure you are checking the Marnoc Lodge website to stay updated with our upcoming events! If you have any comments, suggestions, questions, etc, please email me at vc_programs@marnoc.org. Sign up today at https://scoutingevent.com/433-oafall

And now back to me, Luke!

Are you Looking for an easy way to get more involved in the lodge? Well look no further than joining one of our committees. Lodge committees deal with everything from planning our fun events all the way to making sure our ordeal weekends go as smoothly as possible. This offers an easy way for any arrowman to get in some fun and worthwhile leadership experience. If you are interested, please fill out this form https://forms.gle/b5YEvt9bNTZcmoud7 and send any questions you might have to chief@marnoc.org.

Nominations are now open for next year's vigil class. ANY member of the OA can nominate another for this great honor. In order to be nominated a candidate must be a registered member of the BSA and must be an active dues paid member of Marnoc Lodge. The nominated candidate must also have been a Brotherhood Member of our order for a minimum of 24 months by the close of the nomination process October 1st. I encourage everyone to think hard if they know anyone who they believe deserves this honor, and if you do please fill out the nomination form here to the best of your ability. https://247scouting.com/forms/433-2022vigil

Also upcoming we have our annual Lodge Leadership Development (LLD). LLD will take place on October 22nd at the Lewis Family Conference Center at Camp Manatoc. This is an excellent opportunity for all arrowmen to learn about improving leadership skills and the Order of the Arrow as a whole. The event is FREE for all arrowmen, and lunch will be provided. If you plan on attending please register here https://scoutingevent.com/433-oalld and make sure to fill out this survey https://forms.gle/DVMPz5U1RMagN3c26 so we can plan the training modules to best fit what you want to see!

So with that my friends, stay safe, have some fun, and I hope I’ll be seeing you soon!

Yours In Scouting,



Luke G. Kolasky | Lodge Chief


Marnoc Lodge

4500 Hudson Dr

Stow, OH 44224

P. 440.487.4595


First find out what you are capable of, then decide who you are.

– Tara Westover

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