
First day of OJT

Date: 2022-08-23 Time Start: 7:50 End: 5:01

"The First day of OJT in assessor's office is they inform me and other OJT to get I'D and also because the employee who was supposed to instruct for their work isn't there today's focused on observation on how to communicate to the client and visitor and how the system used to work and provide the right requirements for their needs. In afternoon I'm cutting the paper were the requirements print to give in the clients and I'm assigned to write the name, transaction made and signature of a client and visitor".

“Made I’d, then observed what was done in the Assessor’s office”

"Cutting a paper for printing of requirements give to clients"

Second day of OJT

Date: 2022-08-24 Time Start: 7:51 End: 5:12

"On the second day, we received instruction on how to scan the tax declaration and on how to insert the file to the system on this day we scan one book. In the afternoon we learn on how to encode the tax declaration. And also, after we encode the employee who instruct that work, she explained how to use and how the system work after that we encode and done one book".

"Scanning of tax declaration"

"Encoding of Tax Declaration"

Third day of OJT

Date: 2022-08-25 Time Start: 7:33 End: 5:04

"On this day I'm assign in encoding of tax declaration after 300 papers of tax declaration to be encode we decide to scan another book for tomorrow. And in afternoon I'm writing the name and transaction make of a client and their signature".

"Encoding of Tax declaration"

"Writing of name and transaction make of client"

Fourth day of OJT

Date: 2022-08-26 Time Start: 7:32 End: 5:08

"In this day is continuation of encoding tax declaration scanned yesterday. And in afternoon we scan another book of tax declaration and on 4:30 to 5:00 is the flag retreats."

"Encoding of Tax declaration"

"Continuation of Scanning Tax declaration"

Fifth day of OJT

Date: 2022-08-30 Time Start: 7:36 End: 5:05

"In August 30 is encoding of the book we scanned last week. Then I'm assigned to write the subdivision lot plan the owner's name, Survey number and Lot number of every barangay then arranging for every barangay. And also, to sure that the subdivision lot plan is the right locationm or area I type in the doculink the owner name to find and check if the detail in the subdivision lot plan is right and for easily to make the title for their folder to store."

"Writing the Subdivision lot Plan Survey number and lot number"

"Arranging the Subdivision lot plan by Barangay"

Sixth day of OJT

Date: 2022-08-31 Time Start: 7:12 End: 5:03

"On this day I'm assign to write the signature of client and their transaction made on the assessor's office and then finding original copy of tax declaration then photocopy and write the important details of that tax declaration for record. And the last is arranging the old book to new for easily to find when it needs."

"Signature of Client and visitor's"

"Sorting of the book and Finding original copy of tax declaration"

That's all for Month of August.