
Mark Hochberg's NYU Tisch journey began in childhood. Ten years of dance experience brought him to one of America's most exclusive schools of dance, and he continues to live with this tremendous passion for dance every single day.

His focus is on contemporary dance, though he also has experience in modern dance, hip hop, dance choreography, and some costume design. His dedication to dance is evident in his everyday life, as he is regularly found in the dance studio learning or teaching others, including impoverished dance students in youth centers.

He hasn't forgotten his roots, becoming an active part of his hometown dance group's senior dancers. Before Mark Hochberg's NYU acceptance, he worked extremely hard to apply to many schools of dance across the country. Knowing the effort and dedication it takes to become a part of this dance culture, he aids other dancers in every capacity he can, providing tips and resources for them, along with a first-hand peek into what it would be like to become a dancer full-time as a career. He has experience in musical stage, dance events, music videos, and more, building an extensive portfolio. He hopes to become one of the industry's prominent dancers and choreographers once he graduates.