Investigation of a Dating Technique

Photo: Landslide on Riverside Ave 2019 By the UVM Spatial Analysis Lab

This project is an independent examination into one of many dating techniques used by geomorphologists through literature

Cosmogenic Nuclide Beryllium-10 Exposure Dating

Exposure dating by measuring the decay of Be-10 is a useful technique that operates with relatively strong accuracy over large (Kyr to tens of Myr) timescales (Davies, 2020). Cosmic rays from galactic supernovae constantly enter the Earth’s atmosphere and are deflected at various latitudes due to the planet’s magnetic field. The free neutrons from these rays have enough energy to cause spallation when they contact surface rocks and minerals changing the nucleus (usually by detaching 1 or more protons or adding the neutron) to create a new isotope. These reactions dissipate after a few meters of depth. Because Be-10 is unstable with a known half-life. Once buried and no longer exposed to cosmic rays, half-life decay begins predictably. Because of this and relatively rapid erosion rates, it is possible to calibrate a Be-10 measurement for an exposure time, allowing the dating of faults, glacial retreat, and basin erosion.

Be-10 appears as a regular, but small (~4 atoms g-1) (Corbett et al, 2016) impurity in quartz. Due to quartz’ abundance and resistant chemical structure, it is an idea candidate for the refinement of a Be-10 sample for reliable dating.

From Showing the process of spellation from cosmic rays with the example of Cl-36. Cl-36 can be measured as well as Be-10, Al-26, and many other isotopes.

Samples are gathered, crushed, sieved, and sorted magnetically to divert problematic interference of mafic rock. The remaining fine-grained felsic material is etched to remove all but the strong mineral structure of the quartz crystal. These crystals are transitioned back and forth between aqueous and solid states using acids and evaporation, as per Bierman's CosmoLab Procedures . This Be is stored with a known concentration of the stable Be-9, and then measured with a mass spectrometer. The mass spectrometer accelerates the atoms and uses magnetics to separate and measure the constituent elements of a sample. In this case it provides a ratio of Be-10 to Be-9 – allowing a calculation of Be-10 content, and thereby a date of exposure based on the half-life 1.39 x10^6 years.

The main assumptions necessary in cosmogenic dating techniques is that of inherited nuclides. Cosmic rays and their associated free neutrons only penetrate a few meters of the Earth’s Surface. However, if an exposed rock was buried, and subsequently exhumed again (relatively quickly), it could have a leftover signal of unstable 10-Be. Drainage basins erode at an average rate of 2.18m Kyr−1 with a global median of 0.54 m Kyr−1; and outcrops erode at an average of 0.12 m Kyr−1 with a global median 0.054 m Kyr−1, (Portenga and Bierman. 2011). Glaciers, while effective erosion agents, do not have as strong constraints on erosional rates (its hard to measure under all that ice). Suggestions range from 0.07 – 100m Kyr−1 (Koppes and Montgomery, 2009).

  • Corbett, Lee & Bierman, Paul & Rood, Dylan. (2016). An approach for optimizing in situ cosmogenic 10Be sample preparation. Quaternary Geochronology. 33. 24-34. 10.1016/j.quageo.2016.02.001.
  • Davis, Bethan. (2020). “Cosmogenic Nuclide Dating.” Antarticglaciers. Retrieved from:
  • Koppes, Michele & Montgomery, David R. (2009). The relative Efficacy of fluvial and glacial erosion over modern to orogenic timescales. Nature Geoscience. Vol 2. Sept 2009. 644-647. DOI: 10.1038/NGEO616
  • Portenga, Eric & Bierman, Paul R. (2011). Understanding Earth’s eroding surface with 10Be. GSA Today. Vol 21. Iss 8. 4-10. Retrieved From: