Mark Hehlen Geo

Photo: Fellow JIRP Student Researcher Max Burtis near a Supraglacial Lake on Echo Glacier, Alaska. 2021 by Mark Hehlen
Photo: Me over the Gilkey Glacier at Camp 18 on the Juneau Icefield. 2021. By Cole Oshiro-Leavitt

MarkHehlenGeo is my personal website archiving educational and scientific work in Geology, Glaciology, and Mathematics, as well as Media, Papers, and Interests.

Curriculum Vitae (2023)

Initial JIRP-Based Research Presented to IGS: Sentinel-1b Comparison Project 

Final Publication: Kelly, J.T.; Hehlen, M.; McGee, S. Uncertainty of Satellite-Derived Glacier Flow Velocities in a Temperate Alpine Setting (Juneau Icefield, Alaska). Remote Sens. 2023, 15, 3828. 

Senior Thesis Research (2021): Outlet Glacier Discharge in the Larsen B Embayment, Antarctic Peninsula, 2018-2020 

Undergraduate Writing Sample (2020): An Investigation into the Tectonic Setting of West Antarctica