
Dr. Bilgehan Bozkurt is a social scientist in marketing from Türkiye (Turkey) who authors, reviews and edits Web of Science (e.g. BKCI-SSH, SSCI Q1) and Scopus manuscripts. His main scientific publication, which is a book entitled 'Debates in Marketing Orientation', is a critically acclaimed contribution to the marketing concept and to marketing strategy. The main message of his theory-based research is that a great theory is the one that generates a diverse set of implications. 


- Quality-oriented scientific experience in marketing

- Taught marketing and marketing interfaces (e.g. innovation-oriented entrepreneurship, (international) business, operations, research)

- Customer-oriented professional experience (R&D, IT) at a marketing organisation (e.g. business analysis, project management, e-business, BPR, CRM, software development)

- PhD in Marketing, MBA in E-Business, BSc in Statistics


- Strategic marketing (e.g. creativity)

- Marketing interfaces (e.g. leadership, organisation design, managerial decision-making, digitalisation)

- Branding (e.g. brand experience, brand equity)

Courses Taught

- Marketing

- Marketing management

- Critical thinking, creativity and entrepreneurship (By developing business plans)

- Case analysis in global business environment (Honours students) (By using the Harvard Business School case method)

- International business

- Introduction to business

- Operations management 

- Productivity management

- Research methodology (By using IBM SPSS


Knowledge Panel

- Google

Other Interests

- Soundtrack - Albums - Concerts

- Books - Films - Paintings