
Research Interests 

Natural Resource & Environmental Economics 

Applied Econometrics: Public Policy Evaluation and Casual Inference, Spatial Econometrics 

Land use modelling: Applied Spatial Analysis, Spatial Disaggregation and Geographic Information Systems 

Interdisciplinary Research: Biodiversity conservation and community ecology (birds, pollinators and fish), Ecotoxicology (esp. pesticides and other physicochemical parameters), Climate and meteorology (e.g.,using large land use and climate spatial data at the grid level to find up-, down-, cross-wind areas)


Environmental Co-benefits of Health Policies to Reduce Meat Consumption: a Narrative Review (with Céline Bonnet) - Health Policy, 2024, p. 105017.   

Working Papers 

We Love Green: Household's Valuation of Organic Farming and Challenges of Signaling (with Rachel Guillain & Sophie Legras) - Submitted

Presentations: 2020 7th FAERE conference; 2020 1st ECO-SOS workshop; 2020 NARSC conference; 2022 JMA conference; 2022 AFSE conference; LEDi PhD workshop; TSE (envir econ workshop); ODR-Toulouse. 

The Impact of Organic Farming on Productivity and Biodiversity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment (with Sylvain Chabé-Ferret, Arnaud Reynaud, Eva Tène, Anouch Missirian, François Libois, Marta Pinzan, Clelia Sirami, David Sheeren

Presentations: Workshop on Environmental Policy Evaluation,  University of St.Gallen (2023); 2023 Junior Workshop at ENS de Lyon

Gone with the Wind? Analyzing Peer Effects in Organic Farming  (Job Market Paper)

Presentations: 16th Annual Social Science Conference INRAE/SFER/CIRAD (2022); TSE Envir econ workshop (2022); 2022 AFSE conference; PSAE (Paris-Saclay School of Economics) external workshop (2022); ODR-Toulouse (2022)

Work in Progress

One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: The Effect of the Regulation of Neonics and Alternatives on the Environment, Biodiversity and Yields in France (with Sylvain Chabé-Ferret, Clelia Sirami)

Impact of the Neonicotinoids Ban on the Reaction of Downstream Food Industry and Consumers  (with Céline Bonnet)

Estimating the Health Effects of Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity: Evidence from Vietnam 

Presentation: 12th Congress of the Asian Association of Environmental and Resource Economics,  Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan (2023)

Evaluation of the Natura 2000 Network on the Environment and Biodiversity: Evidence from France  

Presentations: TSE Envir Reading group & Seminar (2020), PhD workshop (2021)

PhD Thesis 

Essays on Spatial Externalities and Organic Farming (in English) 

Consultancies and Book chapters

La transition énergétique dans un monde à +2°C : quels enjeux ? (2020), with Charlotte Gardes, in BSI Economics, "Je comprends enfin l'économie - 25 questions qui font l'actu (2e édition)", Eds. Dunod, January 2020. [Book]

L'investissement des ménages dans la transition écologique (2018), with Hadrien Camatte and Charlotte Gardes. BSI Economics. Policy brief/Chapter of a report transmitted to the Finance Committee of the French National Assembly.

Éléments de réflexion sur la détermination d'un barème kilométrique (2018), with R. Chalendard, C. Gardes, A. Tenne, V. Lequillerier and A. Jurus. BSI Economics. Policy brief/Chapter of a report transmitted to the Finance Committee of the French National Assembly.