
Journal Editoring

Participation in conference and workshop organization

Participation in doctoral evaluation committees

1] Doctoral examiner within the thesis tribunal as part of the doctoral program in computer science at the King's College London, UK. Doctoral candidate: Tsvetan Zhivkov. Thesis: "A multi-robot communication framework for analysis, attenuation of network disturbances" under the supervision of Professor Elizabeth Sklar. Thesis defense date: 18 March, 2020.

2] Secretary of the Ph.D. thesis tribunal as part of the Doctoral Program in Computer Science at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. Doctoral candidate: Cesar Augusto Guzman Alvarez. Thesis: “Realization of reactive plans in multi-agent environments” under the supervision of Professor Eva Onaindia. Thesis defense date: 5 April, 2019.

Evaluation of the national and the project proposals funded by the EU

Independent expert and project proposal evaluator of the French National Research Agency (ANR),  2021

Independent expert and project proposal evaluator of the Israel Science Foundation, 2021

Independent expert and project proposal evaluator of the Spanish State Research Agency, 2021, 2022

Independent expert and project proposal evaluator of the Unit for EU Programmes and Projects, Ministry of Science and Education of Croatia, September 2017 to January 2018

Participation in the International Scientific Community

1] Board of Directors of the European Association for Multi-Agent Systems EURAMAS. Treasurer

2] Big Data Value Association BDVA. Representative of the French group of Engineering and Management Graduate Schools Institut Mines Telecom (IMT) in Task Force 7 Application - SG9 Agriculture (2020-2021)

3] ACM Special Interest Group on Applied Computing. Member

4] European Association for Cognitive Systems. Member

5] IEEE IES Technical Committee on Industrial Agents. Member

6] IEEE RAS Technical Committee on Multi-Robot Systems. Member

7] KES-International – Intelligent Systems. Member

Journal referee

Conference and workshop Program Committee participation