To this day, many ask questions about her life and sudden death. But over 60 years after her untimely death, she remains one of the most celebrated actresses and sex symbols in history. Learn more about her turbulent life, career, and romances in the iconic photos below.

This third selection is unique in that it illustrates the conditions under which the previous photos were taken. We see Douglas KIRKLAND and Marilyn MONROE in a photo studio around a large white bed. The artist is sometimes hung above the void to capture each movement of the star. You can feel a certain complicity. Marilyn is relaxed, focused and this is reflected in the final shots. They are printed in more intimate formats, related to the subject. They let us to have a look behind the scenes of a moment that has become mythical. You have to imagine the scene in the sixties, between 9pm and 1am, Champagne, the music of Frank Sinatra and Marylin, naked in a bed. Douglas Kirkland confides in an interview about the atmosphere and connection between him and Marilyn during this session. He describes this moment as  very hot , the star was playing his charms and a real connection is established.

Marilyn Monroe Photos Download


The Lavenders had also cited correspondence from Cond Nast sent in 1998, 2014 and 2017 in which outside counsel for Cond Nast reserved the right to claim that the Last Sitting photos were works for hire. The Court, however, found that this evidence was inadmissible on the ownership issue. For example, the 1998 letter noted that it was possible Cond Nast was the copyright owner based on the absence of the contract discussed by Stern in his 1982 narrative, but this was merely an assertion of a legal position based on a review of materials, not a fact which was dispositive on the issue of ownership.

Although the court determined that Stern was the lawful copyright owner, Judge Engelmayer did find that the online posting of copyright-protected images of the photos being sold would be fair use if the Lavenders can prove at trial that the photos were gifted to them by Stern. Niall MacGiollabhui, counsel representing the Lavenders, offered the following statement on the case:

In her films, Monroe usually played "the girl", who is defined solely by her gender.[294] Her roles were almost always chorus girls, secretaries, or models: occupations where "the woman is on show, there for the pleasure of men."[294] Monroe began her career as a pin-up model, and was noted for her hourglass figure.[303] She was often positioned in film scenes so that her curvy silhouette was on display, and frequently posed like a pin-up in publicity photos.[303] Her distinctive, hip-swinging walk also drew attention to her body and earned her the nickname "the girl with the horizontal walk".[113]

Born in 1913 in Transylvania, de Dienes emigrated to the U.S. in 1938 with the help of ESQUIRE magazine editor Arnold Gingrich. He worked for ESQUIRE, VOGUE, LIFE and Montgomery Ward. De Dienes is most famous for hiring 19-year-old Marilyn Monroe for her first modeling job in 1945. The two later went on a five-week road trip through California, Nevada, and New Mexico. Photographs from the trip were printed on magazine covers throughout the world and are credited with helping launch her film career. Monroe continued to work with de Dienes for years, posing for thousands of photos.

For a week in 1955, on assignment for REDBOOK, photojournalist Ed Feingersh took photos of Monroe in New York City, including one of her in a camel hair coat on an IRT platform, unrecognized by other subway riders. The negatives were found in a warehouse decades after his death. The photos, which include her entrance into Madison Square Garden on an elephant, were collected in the book, MARILYN: MARCH, 1955.

Roy Schatt took numerous iconic photos of actor James Dean, relaxing at home, on the set, and on the streets of New York. Schatt, who studied painting with N. C. Wyeth, later worked as the Circle in the Square theater photographer. He was invited by Lee Strasberg to be an observer at the Actors Studio, where he shot on stage at an audience that included Monroe, Paul Newman, Eli Wallach and Grace Kelly. He went on to photograph the likes of Rod Steiger, Shelley Winters, Michael Gazzo, Joanne Woodward, Fred Zinnemann, Patricia Neal, Budd Shulberg, Elia Kazan, Arthur Penn, and Ben Gazzara.

Hasselblad is a Swedish brand, which is known for its military as well as consumer cameras. Kirkland, an early adopter of the 1959 500C model, was only 27 when he took photos of Monroe in November 1961, after joining Look magazine 18 months prior.

There are more books on Marilyn Monroe than any other woman in history. An American icon, certainly - she now belongs to the world. Her private life in particular has been approached from every conceivable angle. The book that I put together tries to avoid that by celebrating the public Marilyn. It pictorially chronicles her evolving beauty and style over the twenty years of her life, from 1942 to 1962.


It wasn't easy to do.


Editing her extraordinary body of photographic work down to one 320 page book was an enormous task. Marilyn posed for almost every major photographer in the world. Not only that, she pretty much said "No" to nobody. So if you were on the street with a brownie box camera, and you politely asked to take her photo, chances are she would say "Yes," AND she would take direction - "new" photos are continually surfacing. I also felt a big responsibility when editing out many of them. I wanted to give a wide range of diversity to the choices featured while trying to keep in mind what Marilyn may have wanted, as she was highly critical of herself.


Marilyn Monroe stands alone as a photographic subject for two reasons - visual transformation (her metamorphosis) and inner projection (her charisma). She was a very pretty woman of course, but she wasn't what you would call a traditional beauty. She didn't have a long neck or perfect symmetry or particularly strong bone structure. Her beauty was more subtle, but the way she was able to project that beauty - especially on screen or in a still photograph - was absolutely dynamic.

Here are 10 photos of Marilyn pre-fame. Interested in more Marilyn miscellany? You can also check out one of her signature makeup looks or our list of classic Marilyn Monroe movies available to stream. e24fc04721

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