Research Grants

CORTEX-2 Laboratory of Excellence (Construction, Cognitive Function, Rehabilitation and Repair of the Cortex), Initiatives d’Excellence - Agence Nationale de la Recherche. The Ethics of Information Transmission. (2020-2024). Co-PI.

Institut rhônalpin des systèmes complexes (IXXI). Towards a neuroeconomics account of Willful Ignorance. (2021-2022). Co-PI.

IFREE foundation, USA. Advice and its Impact on Social Learning in Developing Countries. (2020-2021). Co-PI.

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR COVID). DISTANCING (Social distancing and pro-sociality in times of acute sanitary crisis). (2020-2021). PI.

Neural mechanisms underlying the propagation of fake news in adolescents". Financement Processus et techniques d’apprentissages du CNRS. (2020-2021). Co-PI

The role of time and risk preferences in job search. Experimental and survey evidence. Chaire Sécurisation des Parcours Professionnels. (2020-2021) and UNEDIC. PI

INDEPTH (Institutional Design and Economic Preferences: THeory and Experiments), IDEX Lyon (2018-2020). PI

Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). JobSustain (Job Quality and Work Sustainability). (2019-2021). Partner

PhP Van Gogh. Unethical work placement: leading others into temptation (2017-2018). Co-PI

European Commission. Generation of data on human economic decision making in economic laboratory experiments in different parts of Europe. (2015-2019). PI

British Academy. Political inclusion A behavioural analysis of de-radicalisation (2016-2017).

CNRS Terrorisme. Political inclusion A behavioural analysis of de-radicalisation (2016). PI

MAELYSE-PALSE. Behavioral determinants of entrepreneurship (2015-2016). PI

ANR-Appel Générique – FELIS (Fraud and Economic Lies: Information and Strategies), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2014-2018). PI

Keolis. The determinants of fraud in public transportations (2014-2015). PI

Society of Philanthropy Initiative - Habit Formation and Incentives for Recurrent Donations to Charity: A Field Experiment with Online Giving Communities in France and United States. (2014-2015). PI

CORTEX Laboratory of Excellence (Construction, Cognitive Function, Rehabilitation and Repair of the Cortex), Initiatives d’Excellence - Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2012-2020).

INCLUDE – International Network studying Caste in Labor markets, Underachievement and Development. Aarhus School of Business (Denmark) (2013-2017). Partner

ANR - HEIDI (How Emotions Influence Decision-making: an Interdisciplinary perspective (behavioral economics and neuroscience), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2012-2014). PI

PEPS CNRS (2010). Trust, preferences and development: Field experiment and household data in Vietnam. PI

ANR - MINT (Models of Influence and Network Theory), Agence Nationale de la Recherche

(2009-2012). Coordination of the Lyon group.

ANR - EMIR (Experiments on Motivation, Incentives and Rationality), Agence Nationale de la Recherche (2007-2011). PI

Rhône-Alpes Regional Council, CIBLE (2006-2008 and 2000-2003). PI

Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment – DREES- MiRe (2006-2008 and 2004-2005). PI

Ministry of Research - FNS - ACI International (2004-2006). PI

Coordinator of an application to an Integrated Project in the 6th European Framework Program: Human Resources – Field Data and EXPEriments (HR- FIDEXPE). Ministry of Research - FNS (2003).

Ministry of Employment – DARES (2002 and 2000-2001) PI

Commissariat Général du Plan (2001-2002). PI

ANVIE and ACI “Travail” at the Ministry of Research (2000-2003). PI

CNRS - APN (2000-2002). PI