
Advisory Editor of Experimental Economics

Honorary Editor of the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Department Editor of Management Science (Behavioral Economics and Decision Analysis)


Experimental Economics (2017-2021)

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2014-2016)

Associate Editor and Board member

Journal of the Economic Science Association (2014-)

Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics (2014-)

Review Of Behavioral Economics (2013-)

Economic and Political Studies (2021-)

Management Science (2016-2017)

Experimental Economics (2012-2016)

Journal of Economic Psychology (2015-2016)

Journal of Public Economic Theory (2009-2016)

Australian Journal of Labour Economics (2011-2017)

Member of the Scientific Committee of Revue Economique (2008-2012)

Guest associate editor

Economic and Political Studies, Special issue on Behavioral and Experimental Economics for Policy Making (2019-20)

Revue d’Economie Politique, Papers and Proceedings of the 63rd Conference of the French Economic Association (2014), with F. Bourguignon

Revue Economique, Papers and Proceedings of the 60th Conference of the French Economic Association (2012); Special Issue on the Economics of Ethical Behavior (2019)

Management Science, special issue on Behavioral Economics and Finance (2010)

Journal of Public Economic Theory, special issue on Behavioral Public Economics (2011)

Economie et Prévision, special issue on the Economics of Human Resources (2004) (in French)

International Journal of Manpower, special issue on Personnel Economics (2003)

Section Editor

Section Editor for Behavioral and experimental labor economics (20 chapters) in the Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics edited by Klaus Zimmermann, Springer (2021)


American Economic Review, Annals of Economics and Statistics, Berkeley Journals, China Economic Review, Cognition, Contemporary Economic Policy, Eastern Economic Review, Econometrica, Economic Inquiry, Economic Journal, Economic Theory, Economie et Prévision, Economics of Education Review, Economics Letters, European Economic Review, Experimental Economics, Frontiers, Games, Games and Economic Behavior, Industrial and Corporate Change, International Journal of Industrial Organization, International Tax Journal, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Economic and Management Strategy, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Economic Surveys, Journal of the European Economic Association, Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization, Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Public Economic Theory, Labour Economics, Louvain Economic Review, Management Research News, Management Science, Managerial and Decision Economics, National Tax Journal, Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Human Behavior, Organization Science, PLOS One, PNAS, Psychological Science, Quarterly Journal of Economics, Review of Economic Studies, Revue Economique, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Science, Scientific Reports, Social Choice and Welfare, Southern Economic Review, Theory and Decision.