Koliou Research Group
CVEN 689: Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Hazard and Disaster Research (Texas A&M University)
Interdisciplinary education allows students to develop critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills. These are foundational skills needed to tackle the challenges of the 21st century and have been identified as more important skills than basic knowledge according to a report of over 400 US employers highlighting the need for improvement. An interdisciplinary education promotes the ability to apply existing knowledge to multiple challenges (disciplines) essential in the constantly changing real world.
Interdisciplinary Hazard and Disaster Research is a graduate course focused on interdisciplinary challenges to understand hazard and disaster needs. Topics covered will cover hazard and disaster resilience research from disciplines such as planning, landscape architecture, social science, and engineering. Specific geographic areas or specific hazard foci may rotate each semester. By the end of the course, the student should have developed: (i) an improved understanding of coastal hazard risk to indigenous and marginalized communities, (ii) knowledge of assessment methods for coastal hazard mitigation strategies and policies drawn from engineering, planning, and social science, (iii) an ability to articulate cultural resilience needs for communities facing hazard risks, (iv) an understanding of interdisciplinary research methods in disaster studies, (v) an understanding of community-engaged research for disaster studies.
Spring 2024 (Enrollment: 8)
CVEN 689: Special Topics in Design of Timber Structures (Texas A&M University)
Graduate course that focuses on covering the complete design of timber buildings, except for the foundations. By the end of the course, the student will be able to: (i) Determine gravity and lateral design loads, (ii) Design structural elements and subassemblies for vertical loads (tension members, compression members, and beams), (iii) Design structural elements and subassemblies for lateral forces (beam-columns, horizontal diaphragms, and shear walls).
Spring 2022 (Enrollment: 28); Spring 2024 (Enrollment: 18)
CVEN 699: Engineering Risk Analysis (Texas A&M University)
Graduate course that focuses on applications of probability theory, statistics, and decision analysis to civil/structural engineering problems. Emphasis is placed on probabilistic modeling and analysis of civil engineering problems, bayesian statistics, risk analysis, and decision under uncertainty.
Fall 2018 (Enrollment: 25); Spring 2021 (Enrollment: 14); Spring 2023 (Enrollment: 18)
CVEN 363: Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (Texas A&M University)
Undergraduate course that focuses on particle and planar rigid body kinematics and kinetics, Newton’s laws of motion and the ability to apply energy and momentum methods to particles and rigid bodies in planar motion and an introductory knowledge of vibrations in one degree of freedom systems.
Spring 2018 (Enrollment: 68); Spring 2019 (Enrollment: 75); Fall 2019 (Enrollment: 76); Spring 2020 (Enrollment: 51); Fall 2021 (Enrollment: 77); Fall 2022 (Enrollment: 47); Spring 2023 (Enrollment: 65); Fall 2023 (Enrollment:47)
CVEN 446: Structural Steel Design (Texas A&M University)
Undergraduate senior course that emphasizes in the design of structural steel elements found in building structures, including tension members, compression members, beams, beam-columns and base plates, design of bolted and welded simple connections; design of bolted eccentric connections as well as design of bolted and welded partially and fully restrained connections.
Fall 2017 (Enrollment: 24); Fall 2024 (Enrollment:41)
CIE 429: Reinforced Concrete Design (University at Buffalo) - Summer 2013
Undergraduate senior course that focuses on the strength (LRFD) analysis and design of reinforced concrete members subjected to compression, shear and bending to code provisions (ACI 318-11 and ASCE 7-10, current at the time the course was given). Topics include the analysis and design of beams, slabs, columns and frames.
Teaching Training:
Active Learning in Engineering Program, Engineering Studio for Advanced Instruction & Learning (eSAIL) & the Institute for Engineering Education & Innovation (IEEI), Texas A&M University (Fall 2023)
ASCE’s Excellence in Civil Engineering Education (ExCEEd) Community Exchange Seminar Series: Maintaining high student engagement in an online environment (Summer 2020)
2019 ExCEEd Teaching Workshop, The American Society of Civil Engineers, University of Nebraska Lincoln
The ExCEEd Teaching Workshop is a six-day practicum that provides engineering educators with an opportunity to improve their teaching abilities. The main learning objectives are: 1) Explaining what constitutes effective teaching, 2) Applying learning style models to the organization and conduct of a class, 3) Using Classroom Assessment Techniques to assess student learning, 4) Organizing a class, 5) Delivering classroom instruction, 6) Assessing a class from a student’s perspective and 7) Self-assessing your own class.
Department of Civil Engineering Active Learning Workshop, Texas A&M University (Spring 2018)
Workshop targeted to Civil Engineering faculty with focus on: 1) defining active learning and its benefits, 2) identifying 14 research-based instructional strategies for active learning applicable to civil engineering courses, and 3) apply at least two active learning Strategies to civil engineering courses
HELLO2 Teaching Certificate Program, Center for Teaching Excellence, Texas A&M University. (Fall 2017-Spring 2018)
The Humanizing Education, Learning, and Leadership On/Offline (HELLO2) program is designed to provide faculty and staff opportunities to learn more about the following focus areas: 1) Active Learning and Student Engagement, 2) Transformational Teaching and Learning, 3) Learner-Centered Teaching, and 4) Instructional Technology for Student Learning and Engagement.