MARGO Research Activity

Bone Atlas

The Bone Atlas is under development, and surface models of bones segmented from CT and CBCT images are progressively uploaded to Zenodo. The Dataset is Open Access and can be found here.

Laser Activation

The optical setup for the laser activation of 2D samples is based on a patterning approach where the laser beam is kept fixed, and the samples move on a remotely controlled motorized stage. Accordingly to the morphological features required, the velocity of the stage and the energy of the pulse is changed.

Building the 3D printer prototype

The realization of the integrated 3D printer is building up in the labs of Sapienza University. A six-axis robotic arm has been decided to move the sample to access the inner surfaces of complex-shaped pieces. The robotic arm can be remotely controlled to obtain the desired laser pattern. The setup will be provided by a fine-tunable laser beam positioning system, whose development is under evaluation accordingly to the results of the bio-functional tests.

Biofunctional tests