Written work

Data Sonification/Visualization | VR/AR | Computer Music | HCI | Psychoacoustics | Sound Studies | Acoustic Ecology

Whereas data visualization primarily makes use of 2-dimensional space as an abstracted concept for representing information, data sonification makes use of time as its abstracted concept. That is to say, in the same way that the Cartesian innovation for spatial math transformed how we think about information, the temporal innovations that arise from sonification present a fundamental shift in the suite of affordances for understanding our world that we are only beginning to understand.

My goal is to explore these affordances through both bottom-up and top-down approaches - through the psychoacoustic principles that drive our perception, and the humanistic way in which we situate these percepts in our everyday experience.

I make information that sounds like it should. My research tries to answer questions of balance between aesthetics and accountability, gestalt-based and normative approaches to sound design, the aural and the visual.


Sonifying for Public Engagement: A Context Based Model for Sonifying Air Pollution Data. Proceedings for the 22nd Annual International Conference for Auditory Display 2016: Sonic Information Design.

Grants and Awards

2017 Small SSHRC Research Grant

2016 City of Surrey Place-Making Project Award

2016 Best use of Sound Award: ICAD

2016 Glenfraser Endowment Award

2016 Secure Capital Management Scholarship in Acoustic Communication

2016 FCAT Undergraduate Fellowship Award

2015 Sustainable SFU Grant

2015 R.M. Schafer Soundscape Award


Livable Cities Symposium, 2016-17, Vancouver CA

ICAD 2016, Canberra AU