Marc St Pierre is a researcher and a community engaged artist. His main creative medium is data, which he maps to sound in a practice called sonification. In the lab, the studio, the classroom and the maker space, Marc blurs the lines between science and art by building technology that explores our understanding of information in ways unheard of. Fostering an ecological and environmental sensibility with data, his practice challenges and extends existing systems of scientific knowledge distribution.

Marc has won a handful of awards for his work, the most recent being Best Use of Sound at the International Conference for Auditory Display for his publication on air quality sonification. He regularly teaches in a range of topics including programming, sound editing and making, and has also been commissioned to work with community organizations like City Opera Vancouver, the Vancouver Chamber Choir, and the City of Surrey among others.

A full CV is available here (coming very soon!).

Photo by Tim Kong
Photo by Alisha Pillay


Email me at mkstpier [at] sfu [dot] ca

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