Research Papers*

Published Articles

(1) The virtuous cycle of prosocial behavior and perceived prosocial impact in organizations: A longitudinal three-wave study. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology.  Gómez, M., Espejo, A., Martela, F., Bastías, C., Bravo, D., and Unanue, W. (2024) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(2) Reciprocal relations between meaning in life, beneficence, and psychological needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness: Evidence from a three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Happiness Studies.  Martela, F., Unanue, J., Gómez, M., and Unanue, W.  (2024) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(3) Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Prospectively Mediates the Link Between Dispositional Gratitude and Life Satisfaction: Longitudinal Evidence from a Representative Sample in Chile. Personality and Individual Differences. Unanue, J., Xavier, O., Oyanedel, J.C., Unanue, W., and Gómez, M. (2022) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(4) What Makes Work Meaningful? Longitudinal Evidence for the Importance of Autonomy and Beneficence for Meaningful Work. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Martela, F.; Gómez, M.; Unanue, W.; Araya, S.; Bravo, D. & Espejo, A. (2021) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(5) The Longitudinal Link between Organizational Citizenship Behaviors and Three Different Models of Happiness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Unanue, W.; Barros, E. & Gómez, M. (2021) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(6) Dispositional Gratitude Mediates the Link between Materialism and Basic Psychological Needs: A Longitudinal Mediation Analysis. Journal of Happiness Studies. Reyes, V., Unanue, W., Gómez, M., Bravo, D., Unanue, J., Araya-Veliz, C. and Cortez, D. (2021) (Paper WoS/ISI). [Article]

(7) Environmental Misallocation in the Copper Industry. Resources Policy. Correa, J.; Gómez, M.; Luengo, A. & Parro, F. (2021) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(8) The effects of the 2016 Copa América Centenario Victory on Social Trust, Prosocial Aspirations and Evaluated Subjective Well-being: The Role of Identity with the National Team and Collective Pride in Major Sport Events. Frontiers in Psychology. Unanue, W., Oriol, X., Gómez, M.E., Cortez, D., and Bravo, D., (2020) (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(9) Feel the Copa América Final: Immediate and Medium-Term Effects of Major Sport Events and National Football Team Identification on Different Components of Subjective Well-being. Current Psychology. Unanue, W., Oriol, X., Gómez, M.E., Cortez, D., and Bravo, D. (2020) (Paper WoS/ISI), [Article]

(10) The Reciprocal Relationship between Gratitude and Life Satisfaction: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Field Studies. Frontiers in Psychology. Unanue, W., Gómez, M.E., Cortez, D., Bravo, D., Araya, C., Unanue, J. and Van Den Broeck, A. (2019) (Paper WoS/ISI), [Article]

(11) Unintended Displacement Effects of Youth Training Programs in a Directed Search Model. Journal of Labor Research. Gómez, M. E. and Parro, F. (2019), (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article].

(12) Unveiling the Objectives of Central Banks: Tales of four Latin American Countries. Economic Modelling. Medina, J. P., Valenzuela, G. and Gómez, M.E., (2019). (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article]

(13) The Fundamental Contradiction of the Capitalism Revisited. Bulletin of Economic Research. (2018) Gómez, M.E and Parro, F. (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article]

(14) Revisiting the Link between Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction: The Role of Basic Psychological Needs. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. (2017) Unanue, W., Gómez, M. E., Cortez, D., Oyanedel, J. C., & Mendiburo-Seguel, A. (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article

(15) When and Why Does Materialism Relate to Employees’ Attitudes and Well-being: The Mediational Role of Need Satisfaction and Need Frustration. Frontiers in Psychology, 8. (2017) Unanue, W., Rempel, K., Gómez, M. E., & Van Den Broeck, A. (Paper WoS/ISI) [Article]

(16) Comovement Among Returns of the Private Chilean Pension System. International Review of Applied Economics. (2017) Vallejos, R., Gárate, A. & Gómez, M.E. (Paper SCOPUS) [Article]

Completed Papers

1. Positive staff-student interactions and responsiveness in bullying situations: Longitudinal effect on traditional bullying, cyberbullying victimization and bullying perpetration. Oriol, X., Unanue, W., Gómez, M. E., and Miranda, R. (2020), Submitted.

2. Why is Youth Unemployment so High? The role of competition between young and qualified workers. Gómez, M. (2019)

Work in Progress

1. Happiness and Environmental Behavior. Unanue, W. and Gómez, M. E.

2. Labor Market Sorting: Evidence from Chile's Administrative Data. Correa, J., Gómez, M., Parro, F. and C. Valencia.

(*)  Interior view of the graduate building of the Adolfo Ibáñez University.

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