(including planned. * if invited): 

2024: KIEL-CEPR African Economic Development Conference, 12-13 Sept; JRC Ispra*, 17 Jun; Groningen Growth and Development Centre Conference*, 28-29 May, Groningen; Kiel Institute of World Economy*, 9 Feb; GIGA, Hamburg*, 8 Feb; STEG Theme 2 Workshop, NYU Abu Dhabi, 10-13 Jan 

2023: MIASA Conference*, Accra, 21-22 Nov; World Trade Forum*, EUI, 13-14 Oct; DEGIC, World Bank*, 12 April; GEM Dept, University of Groningen*, 2 Feb

2022:  Implementing the African Continental Free Trade Area*, 8-9 Nov, EUI & UNCTAD; Geneva Trade and Development Workshop*, 11 Oct, Graduate Institue; Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics, 21-24 June, World Bank (online); Nordic Conference on Development Economics, 15-16 June, Helsinki; Trade, Globalization and Development Workshop*, 18-19 May, Namur; EUI Macro Working Group*, 5 May; AERC Workshop on Value Chains and Development, 13-14 April (online)*; CSAE Oxford, 14-18 March (online).

2021: Services Trade Policies and Structural Transformation, 17 Dec, EUI; UK Trade Policy Observatory Annual Worskshop, 2-3 Nov (online); African Development Bank research seminar series*, 28 Oct (online); STEG Plenary Theme Workshop, 3 Setp (online); USITC*, 22 July (online); Nordic Conference on Development Economics, 15-16 June, Bergen University (online) 

2020: Jobs and Development Conference, 1-3 Sept, WB and UNU-Wider (online)

2019: "XVII SIEPI Workshop", Jan 31-Feb 1, University of Roma 3; GDS2017, Roma Tre, Apr 2019; UNU-WIDER Development Conferenze, Sept 11-13, ESCAP Bangkok ; "The Future of Industrial Work", 19-20 Sept, UNIDO, Vienna; Department of Economics, U of Pisa, 26 June*; Department of Economics, U of Catania, 14 Nov* ; Department of Economics, Parthenope University, Naples, 25 Nov*

2018: "IGC-PEDL Conference on Firms, Markets and Development", London School of Economics, 13-14 Dec; "ASSET 2018", University of Florence, Nov 8-10; "ICEED Conference on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development", University of Bari, Oct 4-5; "ABCA Conference - Examining the Challenges and Opportunities of Firms’ Productivity in Africa", June 14-15, Stanford University; "Fifth Workshop on Global Value Chains", March 22-23, University of Roma 3; "XVI SIEPI Workshop", Feb 1-2, University of Ferrara; GDS2017, Roma Tre, March; IOB, University of Antwerp, Feb*; UNU-Merit,Nov*.

​​2017: "10th FIW Conference on International Economics", Nov 9-10, Vienna University of Economics & Business; “Deep Roots of Economic Growth: The Role of Geography, History and Institutions”, 18-19 Sept, University of Naples, Parthenope, Napoli; "European Trade Study Group", 14-16 Sept 2017, EUI, Firenze; “Gender and the Macroeconomics”, 23-24 Mar 2017, IMF, Washington, DC (USA); Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI), Nov 2017*.

2016: "InternationalTrade, Global Production Networks, and Microfoundations of AggregateFluctuations”, 27-28 Oct 2016, IMT Lucca (Italy); "Models and policies for human developmentand sustainable growth", 28-29 Sept, University of Florence, Firenze (Italy); "Quality FDI, Growth and Development", 14-15 Sept, UNIDO, Vienna (Austria); "China Goes Global", 26-28 Jul, University of Macerata (Italy); Department of Economics, University of Florence, Nov 2016*.

2015: "European Perspectives on China's New Silk Road", 14-15 Setp, College of Europe, Bruxelles (Belgium); “Economics of Global Interactions”, 7-8 Sept, University of Bari, Bari (Italy); "CSAE Conference: Economic Development in Africa", 22-24 March, Oxford University (UK); "The Journey to Invest: China's Economic Excursion into Africa", 26-27 Feb, Cornell University (US); Centre Emile Bernheim, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), October 2015, Brussels (Belgium)*.

2014: “Economics of Global Interactions”, 8-9 Sept, University of Bari, Bari (Italy); “Industrial Upgrading and Urbanization”, 28-29 August, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm (Sweden); “Mapping China’s Futures”, 3-5 April, European University Institute, Florence (Italy); “Emerging Market Firms in Europe”, 27-28 March, Catholic University, Leuven (Belgium); Italian Institute of International Affairs (IAI), November 2014, Rome (Italy)*; United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), May 2014, Vienna (Austria)*; Bank of Finland Institute for Transition Economies (BOFIT), February 2014, Helsinki (Finland)*; Helsinki Center for Economic Research (HECER), February 2014, Helsinki (Finland)*.

2013: “Production,R&D and Knowledge Offshoring: Economic Analyses and Policy Implications”, Bocconi University, 24-25 Sept, Milan (Italy); “Inequality, Growth and the Middle-Income Trap in China”, Peking University, 1-2 July, Beijing (China)”; “L2C–Learning to Compete: Industrial Development and Policy in Africa”, UNU-Wider, 24-25 June, Helsinki (Finland); CERDI, University of Auvergne, November 2013, Clermont-Ferrand (France)*; School of Economics, Renmin University, July 2013, Beijing (China)*.

2012: “Imbalances in Economic Development: International Perspectives – “Columbia-Tsinghua Conference inInternational Economics”, Tsinghua University, 18-19 October, Beijing (China);  “6th China Goes Global Conference”, 8-10 October, Kennedy School of Governance, Harvard University, Cambridge (US); “14th European TradeStudy Group Conference”, 13-16 September, Catholic University, Leuven(Belgium); “International Trade and Finance: Focus on the Mediterranean”, Italian Trade Study Group Meeting, 15-16 June, University of Catania (Italy); “The Chinese Way of Economic Reform and Development in the Context of Globalization”, 23rd CEA UK and 4th CEA Europe Conference, SOAS, 2-3 April, London (UK).

2007-2011: “China's EconomicDynamics and Its Impacts on the World Economy: A Beijing Consensus in theMaking?”, 22nd CEA UK and 3rd CEA Europe Conference, University College of Dublin, 14-15 July 2011, Dublin (Ireland); “The Chinese Economy”, Workshop organized by the Bank of Italy, Venice International University, 25-27 Nov 2010, Venice (Italy); “China’s Increasing Engagement in Africain the Aftermath of the Financial Crisis”, Seminar organized by the African Development Bank, 25-26 March 2010, Tunis (Tunisia); “Financial markets,adverse shocks and policy responses in fragile countries”, European Report on Development Conference, 21-23 May 2009, Accra (Ghana); “‘Emerging Multinationals’- Outward FDI from Emerging and Developing Economies”, Copenhagen Business School, 9- 10 Oct 2008, Copenhagen (Denmark); Second summer school on the Chinese Economy, CERDI-IDREC/University of Auvergne, 30 June- 2 July 2008, Clermont-Ferrand (France); “Integrating China into the World Economy”, 18th Chinese Economic Association (CEA) Annual Conference, University of Nottingham, 16–17 April 2007, Nottingham (UK)