Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know
what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true
B. Russell
Contributed talks
Here you will find a list of the talks I've given during my career (with poster and slides, when available).
April 13 - 15, 2023, Poster session at the confernece: Fribourg MAPS (Fribourg)
Title of the poster: The Geometry of Laakso Spaces
Fribourg MAPS - PosterOctober 27, 2022, Seminar Weekly IMPAN Seminar (IMPAN, Warsaw)
Title: Directional Derivatives and Geodesics in the Laakso Space
Seminar of the Geometric function and mapping theory groupMay 27, 2022, Conference: First UMI meeting of PhD Students (UMI, Padova)
Title: Lusin Approximation Theorems of Order m in Carnot Groups
First UMI meeting of Phd students - SlidesApril 28, 2022, Seminar: Weekly IMPAN Seminar (IMPAN, Warsaw)
Title: Legendrian Energy Minimizers in the Heisenberg Group
Seminar of the Geometric function and mapping theory groupOctober 14, 2021, Seminar: Weekly IMPAN Seminar (IMPAN, Warsaw)
Title: A Cm-Lusin Approximation Theorem in the Heisenberg Group
Seminar of the Geometric function and mapping theory groupMarch 21, 2021, Conference: Tenth Ohio River Analysis Meeting (Online conference)
Title: A Cm-Lusin Approximation Theorem in the Heisenberg Group
ORAM 2020/21 - SlidesMay 7, 2020, Seminar: Doc in Progress, (University of Trento)
Title: A Strange Space with Wormholes
Doc in Progress - SlidesFebruary 6, 2020, Seminar for the opening of the PhD year (University of Trento)
Title: A Cm-Lusin Approximation Theorem in the Heisenberg Group
PhD opening cerimony