Nos cogita numero, ergo numero es
G. Peano

Something about...

Right now I'm living in Padua, but my hometown is Lazise. It is a nice small town on the shores of Lake Garda, Italy's biggest lake, near the city of Verona (in the north of Italy). In Lazise there is my family's restaurant, "Ristorante Pizzeria al Paradise". If you ever decide to visit Laizse, come to try the local cusine! early career

I always had a great passion for mathematics and my career started with my bechelor degree at the University of Trento, in Italy. I started as an algebraic topologist but during my master degree I transitioned to analysis and geometric measure theory. During my PhD I started studying analysis in Carnot groups.
Teaching is another great passion of mine and during my PhD I worked as an assistant professor for Calculus II at the faculty of engineering. research interests

The main topic of my reasearch is analysis in Carnot groups and metric measure spaces. I worked on the Lusin approximation problem and on approximation results in Carnot-Sobolev spaces.
I am currently working on problems about harmonic functions in the Heisenberg group and on differentiability results in Laakso spaces.