Slides and videos of some talks

  • "On the isoperimetric problem on manifolds with lower curvature bounds" - online minicourse in this workshop 2023:
Lecture 1: video.Lecture 2: video.Lecture 3: video.
  • "Differential properties of the isoperimetric profile on manifolds and the role of nonsmooth geometry" - Roma 2022, slides, New York 2022, slides.
  • "On the existence of isoperimetric sets on nonnegatively curved spaces" - Freiburg 2022, slides.
  • "On the convergence of geometric flows" - 1st GAPPF 2022:
Part 1: slides, video.
Part 2: slides, video.
Part3: slides, video.
  • "On the smooth convergence of geometric flows" - Caserta 2021, slides.

Analisi Matematica 1 (in italiano)

  • Raccolta di esercizi: pdf (aggiornato il 25/2/23).
  • Dispensa: appunti per una lezione di complemento su funzioni definite per serie, Taylor e Teorema di Stone-Weierstrass: pdf (aggiornato il 25/1/20).

Isoperimetric Problems 2022 - Conference in Pisa


In June 2022, I co-organized the conference Isoperimetric Problems in collaboration with Emanuele Paolini, Nicola Fusco, Matteo Novaga, and Eugene Stepanov. Here you can find the slides of the talks.

Seminari MAP


Seminari MAP at UniversitĂ  di Pisa is a series of seminars organized during the academic year by the PhD students in Analysis and Probability at the Dipartimento di Matematica of UniversitĂ  di Pisa.

The speakers are other PhD students or young researchers and the talks are devoted not only to professors or researchers, but also to any master student who is interested in the subject. Each seminar is divided in a first introductory part devoted to students, and in a second part that is more focused on the research.

During the academic year 2019/2020, I have been be co-organizer of Seminari MAP in collaboration with Alessandra Pluda e Vicenzo Scattaglia.
During the academic year 2018/2019, I have been co-organizer of Seminari MAP in collaboration with Valerio Pagliari, Alessandra Pluda e Vicenzo Scattaglia.