

Modern Techniques in

Riemannian Geometry



Hybrid workshop

July 24th to 27th 


Since 2014, the workshop "Modern Techniques in Riemannian Geometry" has brought together students of mathematics and related disciplines with renowned international academics. The aim is to introduce students to cutting-edge research in differential geometry and foster their interest in this field. Through lectures and interactive sessions, the workshop showcases the most modern techniques in Riemannian geometry, encouraging collaboration among participants and exploring current research directions. The workshop has proven to be a valuable platform for students' academic and professional development in this area. 

This year we will have an online minicourse,  9 online talks and 6 in-person talks. 


The following schedules are for Monday July 24th to Thursday July 27th, 2023. The online part is shown in light blue. 

Please note that the schedule is subject to change.



The Modern Techniques in Riemannian Geometry 2023 Workshop will take place at the Instituto de Matemáticas-CU, UNAM, Auditorio Nápoles Gándara, CDMX, Mexico. There, the on-line talks will be shown and the in-person talks will be broadcasted.