CfP WEHC 2025

Together with Gabriel Brea-Martinez (Lund University), we organize the session at World Economic History Congress 2025. The goal is to assemble the scholars, who study historical socioeconomic inequality outside the historical call. Feel invited to submit your papers for the consideration. Below you can find CfP. 

More information on WEHC 2025:

Call for Papers

Charting Uncharted Territory. Filling the Blank Spots on the Map of Historical Inequality

Chair: Marcin Wroński (SGH Warsaw School of Economies) and Gabriel Brea-Martinez (Lund University) 

           In recent years our knowledge of the evolution, causes, and consequences of socioeconomic inequality – both now and in the past – expanded significantly. Unfortunately, this development is uneven. Our knowledge of the historical economic inequality in the peripheries and developing countries is less advanced than in the core economies. Economic inequality is a multidimensional phenomenon but most of the research covers only one dimension.

           The goal of this panel is to fill (at least some) blank spots on the map of historical inequality. We would like to assemble scholars who:

·                  investigate the historical socioeconomic inequality outside core economies (peripheries, colonies, developing countries)

·                  analyze the dimensions, previously overlooked in the research

·                  conduct comparative studies of socioeconomic inequality (core economies vs. peripheries

-       aim to provide not only new quantiative outcomes, but also theoretical understanding of the inequality change and a coherent narrative.

 Submission Guidelines:

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words. Please include a brief biography or CV with your submission. Submissions should be sent to by February 29 2024 for consideration. Selected papers will then be proposed as a panel to the World Economic History Congress program committee by their March 15 2024 deadline.


CfP WEHC 2025.pdf