
Invited talks

23/01/2024 • Wągiel, Marcin. Simplex and complex events: Cross-linguistic inquiry into event-external/internal quantification. An invited talk presented at the Language Comprehension Lab, Central European University [slides

17/01/2024 • Gehrke, Berit, Radek Šimík & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with proportional quantifiers: Theoretical and experimental considerations. An invited talk presented at the Linguistics Department, University of Vienna [slides

13/12/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin. Structured parthood in natural language. An invited talk presented at the Linguistics Department, University of Vienna [slides]

21/04/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin. Functional units and functional clusters. An invited talk presented at the Department of German Studies and Linguistics, Humboldt University of Berlin [slides]

30/03/2023 • Gehrke, Berit, Radek Šimík & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with proportional quantifiers: Theoretical and experimental considerations. An invited talk presented at the GLiF Formal Linguistics Research Group, Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona [slides]

23/02/2023 • Gehrke, Berit, Radek Šimík & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with proportional quantifiers: Theoretical and experimental considerations. An invited talk presented at the ZAS Semantics Circle, Leibniz-Centre General Linguistics (ZAS) [slides]

19/01/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin & Natalia Shlikhutka. Clustering and declustering things: The meaning of collective and singulative derivational morphology in Ukrainian. An invited talk presented at the Institute of Slavic Languages, Leipzig University [slides]

15/12/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Slovanská odvozená kolektiva a jazykové vyjádření vztahu část-celek ve fyzikálním a společenském prostoru. An invited talk presented at Jazykovědné sdružení ČR, Charles University in Prague [slides]

09/12/2022 • Gehrke, Berit, Radek Šimík & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with proportional quantifiers: Theoretical and experimental considerations. An invited talk presented at Slavic Linguistics Colloquium (SlavLingColl), Humboldt University of Berlin [slides]

10/11/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Derived collective nouns in Slavic. An invited talk presented at the Department of Slavic Languages, University of Göttingen [slides]

09/11/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Multiplicatives and event-external/internal quantification in English, Mandarin Chinese and Polish. An invited talk presented at the General Linguistics Colloquium, University of Göttingen [slides]

08/11/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Adjectival quantification over hidden events. An invited talk presented at the English Linguistics Colloquium, University of Göttingen [slides]

07/10/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Clustering events: Event-external/internal quantification in English, Mandarin Chinese and Polish. An invited talk presented at the 15th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 15), Humboldt University of Berlin [slides]

23/09/2022 • Gehrke, Berit, Radek Šimík & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with proportional quantifiers: Theoretical and experimental considerations. An invited talk presented at the Time in Translation final project workshop, Utrecht University [slides]

19/05/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Grammatical gender meets classifier semantics: Cross-linguistic investigations into the morphosemantic complexity of numerals. An invited talk presented at Department of Chinese, Zhejiang University [slides]

12/05/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Clustering events for event-external quantification. An invited talk presented at Department of Linguistics, University College London [slides]  

10/05/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Annihilating atoms with entity partitives. An invited talk presented at Department of Linguistics, University College London [slides]  

26/04/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Mereotopology across domains: Spatial and social collectives in Slavic. An invited talk presented at Topics in Syntax and Semantics: Nominal Semantics, University of Rochester [slides]  

24/11/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Part-whole structures across domains: Slavic derived spatial and social collective nouns. An invited talk presented at Slavic Linguistics Colloquium (SlavLingColl), Humboldt University of Berlin [slides]  

28/09/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Decomposing form and meaning of cardinal numerals across languages. An invited talk presented at Center for Research in Syntax, Semantics, and Phonology (CRISSP), KU Leuven [slides

30/07/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Subatomic quantification. An invited talk presented at the 32nd European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 32), Utrecht University [slides

28/04/2021 • Gehrke, Berit & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with percentages in Slavic and German. An invited talk presented at LinG Colloquium, University of Göttingen [slides

26/04/2021 • Gehrke, Berit & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with percentages in Slavic and German. An invited talk presented at LingORG, University of Oslo [slides

18/03/2021 • Gehrke, Berit & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with percentages in Slavic and German. An invited talk presented at LingLunch, Paris Diderot University (Paris 7) [slides

01/03/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Against atomicity: Evidence from subatomic quantification. An invited talk presented at LingORG, University of Oslo [slides

24/02/2021 • Gehrke, Berit & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservativity with percentages in Slavic and German. An invited talk presented at Slavic Linguistics Colloquium (SlavLingColl), Humboldt University of Berlin [slides

23/11/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin. On counting wholes and parts: Cognitive and linguistic perspectives. An invited talk presented at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Charles University in Prague [slides]

22/09/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin. Nowe metody w slawistyce językoznawczej. An invited talk presented at the Department of Slavonic Studies, Palacký University in Olomouc [slides]

02/09/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin. Polskie konstrukcje partytywne w świetle danych korpusowych, typologicznych kognitywnych oraz ontologicznych. An invited talk presented at the Institute of Polish Language, University of Warsaw

03/04/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Universal semantic features and the typology of cardinal numerals. An invited webinar talk presented at Nanolab [slides]

27/11/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Universal semantic features and the typology of cardinal numerals. An invited talk presented at the LinG Colloquium, University of Göttingen

06/11/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Parts, wholes, clusters and a unified notion of parthood. An invited talk presented at the Leibniz-Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS)

23/10/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Cognitive and linguistic aspects of counting. An invited talk presented at the Center for the Study of Language, Mind and Society, University of Hradec Králové

17/10/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Doing without atoms: Evidence from subatomic quantification. An invited talk presented at the Numerals in Grammar and Beyond workshop, Leiden University

08/04/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Subatomic quantification in natural language. An invited talk presented at the Deprtment of Analytic Philosophy, University of Warsaw

05/10/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Cross-linguistic compositional semantics for numerals. An invited talk presented at the Retreat for Students in Semantics and Pragmatics workshop (ReSSP), Olot, Spain

13/06/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Subatomic quantification in natural language. An invited talk presented at the Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf

24/04/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Subatomic quantification in natural language. An invited talk presented at the Linguistics Department, University of Vienna

16/11/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Decomposing groups, bunches, and aggregates. An invited talk at the Leiden–Utrecht Semantic Happenings, Leiden University

28/06/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Counting degrees and events: A cross-linguistic perspective. An invited talk presented at the Heinrich-Heine University, Düsseldorf

19/05/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Derived collectives in Slavic: Decomposing groups, swarms, and aggregates. An invited talk presented at the Linguistics Department, University of Vienna

25/01/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Comparatives, equatives and numerals: Evidence from Czech and Vietnamese. An invited talk presented at the University of Göttingen

17/11/2016 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Degree modifiers and adverbs of quantification: Evidence from Czech. An invited talk presented at the University of Nova Gorica: Centre for Cognitive Science of Language

01/11/2016 • Wągiel, Marcin. It counts what you count: Slavic derivationally complex numeral expressions. An invited talk presented at the Humboldt University of Berlin: Department of Slavic Studies

29/04/2016 • Wągiel, Marcin. Collectivity over time: From group nouns to measure words and indefinite quantifiers. An invited talk presented at the University of Vienna: Department of Linguistics

26/04/2016 • Wągiel, Marcin. Compositional semantics of derivationally complex numeral expressions in Slavic. An invited talk presented at the University of Vienna: Department of Linguistics

22–24/03/2016 • Wągiel, Marcin. Investigations in Slavic semantics. An invited miniseries of lectures presented at the University of Wrocław: Center for Experimental Research on Natural Language

27/11/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. The semantics of counting: Complex number words, measure words, and group-forming. An invited talk presented at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University: Department of Theoretical Linguistics.

24/11/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. Adjectives and kind modification. An invited talk presented at the Hungarian Academy of Science: Research Institute for Linguistics.

29/10/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. So many things to count! Compositional semantics of derivationally complex numeral expressions in Polish. An invited talk presented at the Utrecht University: Leiden–Utrecht Semantic Happenings (LUSH).

20/10/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. What do we count with multiplicative adjectives? An invited talk presented at the Masaryk University in Brno: Czech and Language Typology.

Conferences and workshops

28/06/2024 • Vlášková, Lucia & Marcin Wągiel. Partitivity and space in spoken and sign languages. A talk presented at Spatial Cognition 2024 (SC 2024), Technological University Dublin [slides]

25/11/2023 • Vlášková, Lucia & Marcin Wągiel. Partitivity and space: Evidence from spoken and sign languages. A talk presented at Crosslinguistic Perspectives on Partitivity and Related Phenomena, University of Bucharest [slides]

14/05/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin. Event-internal/external quantification and the mereotopology of events. A talk presented at Semantics and Linguistic Theory 33 (SALT 33), Yale University [slides]

13/05/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin & Natalia Shlikhutka. Pluralities vs. clusters: A view from Ukrainian collectives and singulatives. A poster presented at Semantics and Linguistic Theory 33 (SALT 33), Yale University [poster]

13/04/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin. Event-external/internal quantification: A mereotopological account. A talk presented at GLOW 46, University of Vienna [slides]

12/04/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin & Natalia Shlikhutka. Pluralities, clusters and singulatives: A view from Ukrainian. A talk presented at GLOW 46, University of Vienna [slides]

09/03/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin & Natalia Shlikhutka. Parts of clusters and Ukrainian singulatives. A talk presented at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft 45 conference (DGfS 45), University of Cologne [slides]

13/01/2023 • Wągiel, Marcin & Natalia Shlikhutka. Declustering aggregates: A semantic analysis of Ukrainian singulatives. A poster presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society (NELS 53), University of Göttingen [poster]

06/10/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin & Natalia Shlikhutka. A mereotopological account of Ukrainian singulatives. A talk presented at the 15th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 15), Humboldt University of Berlin [slides]

22/09/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. A mereotopological account of the event-external/internal distinction. A talk presented at the 15th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 15), University of Udine [slides]

06/08/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. One analysis of three Mandarin 'two's. A talk presented at the 13th Generative Linguistics in the Old World in Asia (GLOW in Asia 13), The Chinese University of Hong Kong [slides]

25/06/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin & Jan Wiślicki. Semantic recursion in numerical expressions: Evidence from Polish and Japanese. A talk presented at the 31st Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 31), McMaster University [slides]

24/06/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Against the view that the quantifying meaning is the semantic core of numerals. A poster presented at the 31st Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 31), McMaster University [slides]

27/05/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Event-internal and external quantification and the mereotopology of events. A talk presented at the workshop on Part-Whole Structures in Natural Language, Masaryk University in Brno [slides]

23/04/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin. Labeling things with numerals in Maltese, Japanese and Wymysorys. A talk presented at the 58th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 58), University of Chicago [slides]

06/03/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin & Jan Wiślicki. Numerical expressions involve semantic recursion within syntactic terminals. A talk presented at the 22nd Workshop on Roots of Pragmasemantics (Szklarska Poręba Workshop 22) [slides

03/03/2022 • Wągiel, Marcin & Jan Wiślicki. Deriving a terminal-internal recursion in numerical expressions. A talk presented at the Theoretical Linguistics at Keio Semantics Conference (TaLK 2022), Keio University, Tokyo [slides

11/12/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Slavic derived collective nouns as spatial and social clusters. A talk presented at the Syntax and Semantics Conference in Paris 2021 (CSSP 2021), University of Paris [slides

11/12/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Polish indefinites: Some puzzles. A talk presented at A Memorial Workshop in Honor of Prof. Joanna Błaszczak, University of Wrocław [slides]

31/10/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Mereotopology in an abstract domain: Evidence from Slavic derived collective nouns. A poster presented at the 52nd Meeting of the North East Linguistics Society (NELS 52), Rutgers University [slides]

22/10/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Klasyfikacja polskich konstrukcji partytywnych w świetle danych korpusowych, typologicznych oraz kognitywnych [A classification of Polish partitives from a corpus-based, typological and cognitive perspective]. A talk presented at the University of Wrocław, VII Światowy Kongres Polonistów. [slides]

15/10/2021 • Žoha, Lukáš, Marcin Wągiel & Pavel Caha. The morphology of compound numerals: A cross-linguistic study. A talk presented at 8th Meeting of Linguistics Beyond And Within: International Linguistics Conference in Lublin, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin [slides]

23/09/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Structured part-whole relations in Slavic derived collectives. A talk presented at the 14th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 14), University of Novi Sad [slides]

22/09/2021 • Dočekal, Mojmír, Nina Haslinger, Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Iveta Šafratová, Viola Schmitt, Marcin Wągiel & Valerie Wurm. Cumulative readings of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from Czech and German. A talk presented at the 14th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 14), University of Novi Sad [slides]

17/09/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Decomposing Polish proportional partitives. A talk presented at the 50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 50), University of Poznań [slides]

16/09/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Putting parts of numerals together. A talk presented at the 50th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM 50), University of Poznań [slides]

09/09/2021 • Dočekal, Mojmír, Nina Haslinger, Eva Rosina, Magdalena Roszkowski, Iveta Šafratová, Viola Schmitt, Marcin Wągiel & Valerie Wurm. Cumulative readings of distributive conjunctions: Evidence from Czech and German. A talk presented at the 26th Sinn und Bedeutung conference (SuB 26), University of Cologne [slides]

08/09/2021 • Gehrke, Berit & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative readings with percentage quantifiers in Slavic and German. A poster presented at the 26th Sinn und Bedeutung conference (SuB 26), University of Cologne [poster]

11/06/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Building numerals: Some are part of others. A talk presented at the 5th Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 5), Palacký University in Olomouc [slides]

10/06/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Parts, quarters and halves: Polish proportional quantifiers. A talk presented at the the 5th Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 5), Palacký University in Olomouc [slides]

04/06/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Gendered numerals in Slavic, Arabic and Abkhaz. A talk presented at the 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 14), Leipzig University [slides]

03/06/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Examining parts in Polish proportional partitives. A talk presented at the 14th European Conference on Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 14), Leipzig University [slides]

26/05/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Decomposing cardinal numerals: Cross-linguistic evidence. A talk presented at the 28th Meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association (AFLA 28), McGill University and National University of Singapore [slides]

16/05/2021 • Gehrke, Berit & Marcin Wągiel. Non-conservative construals with percentages in Slavic. A talk presented at the 30th Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 30), Massachusetts Institute of Technology [slides]

16/05/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. The structure and meaning of label numerals in Slavic and Japanese. A talk presented at the 30th Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 30), Massachusetts Institute of Technology [slides]

07/05/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. The architecture of basic cardinal numerals. A talk presented at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society (CLS 57), University of Chicago [slides]

16/04/2021 • Wągiel, Marcin. Quantifying over hidden (parts of) events. A talk presented at GLOW 44, online [slides

26/11/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin. Parts, wholes and clusters: Italian irregular plurals and a unified notion of parthood. A talk presented at Going Romance 34, French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) / Université Paris-8 / Université Paris Lumières [slides

26/09/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Complex simplex numerals. A talk presented at the 13th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 13), Research Institute for Linguistics in Budapest [slides]

25/09/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin. A typology of proportional quantifiers: Evidence from Polish partitives. A talk presented at the 13th Conference on Syntax, Phonology, and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 13), Research Institute for Linguistics in Budapest [slides]

15/09/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin. Quantifying over hidden (parts of) events. A talk presented at the Events and Event Structure at the Limits of Grammar workshop (EESLiG), University of Oxford [slides]

22/07/2020 • Wągiel, Marcin & Pavel Caha. Building cardinal numerals across languages. A talk presented at the 7th conference on the Semantics of African, Asian and Austronesian Languages (TripleA 7), University of Tübingen [slides]

28/02/2020 • Caha, Pavel & Marcin Wągiel. Abstract counting and object counting across languages. A poster presented at the 21st Workshop on Roots of Pragmasemantics (Szklarska Poręba Workshop 21), Szrenica [poster]

12/12/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Countability and spatial integrity in partitives. A talk presented at the Number and Plurality: Cross-linguistic Variation in the Nominal Domain workshop, University of Göttingen

11/12/2019 • Caha, Pavel & Marcin Wągiel. Abstract counting and object counting across languages. A poster presented at the Number and Plurality: Cross-linguistic Variation in the Nominal Domain workshop, University of Göttingen

18/10/2019 • Caha, Pavel & Marcin Wągiel. Universal semantic features and the typology of numerals. A talk presented at the 2nd conference on Ontology as Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics (OASIS 2), University of Nantes

18/10/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. In search of building blocks of nominal denotations. A talk presented at the 2nd conference on Ontology as Structured by the Interfaces with Semantics (OASIS 2), University of Nantes

21/09/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Proportional quantifiers call for mereotopology. A talk presented at the 11th Semantics and Philosophy in Europe conference (SPE 11), University of Warsaw

07/06/2019 • Caha, Pavel & Marcin Wągiel. Cardinals across languages: Deriving form and meaning of two types of numerals. A talk presented at the 3rd Budapest Linguistics Conference (BLINC 3), Eötvös Loránd University

06/06/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Partitives, numerals and a unified part whole structure. A talk presented at the 3rd Budapest Linguistics Conference (BLINC 3), Eötvös Loránd University

27/03/2019 • Caha, Pavel & Marcin Wągiel. Universal semantic features and the typology of numerals. A talk presented at The Meaning of Numerals: Cognitive, Experimental, and Semantic Perspectives, Leibniz-Centre for General Linguistics (ZAS)

03/03/2019 • Wągiel, Marcin. Arithmetical and label uses of numerals. A talk presented at the 20th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (Szklarska Poręba Workshop 20), Szrenica

05/09/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Partitives, multipliers and subatomic quantification. A talk presented at the 23rd Sinn und Bedeutung conference (SuB 23), Autonomous University of Barcelona.

08/06/2018 • Dočekal, Mojmír, Hana Filip & Marcin Wągiel. Exceed comparison in Czech and A/B numeral modifiers. A talk presented at the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 2018), Palacký University, Olomouc

08/06/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Grammatical gender meets classifier semantics in Polish cardinal numerals. A talk presented at the Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 2018), Palacký University, Olomouc

06/05/2018 • Dočekal, Mojmír, Hana Filip & Marcin Wągiel. Exceed comparison and A/B numeral modifiers in Czech. A talk presented at the 27th Formal Approaches of Slavic Linguistics conference (FASL 27), Stanford University

05/05/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Gender as a mode of quantification: Evidence from Polish numerals. A talk presented at the 27th Formal Approaches of Slavic Linguistics conference (FASL 27), Stanford University

25/02/2018 • Wągiel, Marcin. Parts and halves: Exploring subatomic quantification. A talk presented at the 19th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (Szklarska Poręba Workshop 19), Szrenica

24/02/2018 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Decomposing groups: Experimental evidence from West Slavic derived collectives. A poster presented at the 19th Workshop on the Roots of Pragmasemantics (Szklarska Poręba Workshop 19), Szrenica

23/02/2018 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Different modes of group-formation: Experimental evidence from West Slavic derived collectives. A talk presented at the Workshop Co-Distributivity 2018, National Center for Scientific Research in Paris (CNRS)

08/12/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Decomposing derived collectives in West Slavic: Experimental evidence from Czech and Polish. A talk presented at the 12.5th Formal Description of Slavic Languages conference (FDSL 12.5), University of Nova Gorica

07/12/2017 • Wągiel, Marcin. Several quantifiers are different than others: Polish number-denoting indefinites. A talk presented at the 12.5th Formal Description of Slavic Languages conference (FDSL 12.5), University of Nova Gorica

24/10/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Various strategies of multiplication: Differentials in equatives and comparatives. A talk presented at the 10th conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 10), Center for Advanced Academic Studies, Dubrovnik

12/10/2017 • Wągiel, Marcin. Klasyfikacja semantyczna rzeczowników kolektywnych: Wyniki eksperymentalne na materiale języka polskiego. A talk presented at the Polonistyka 2017: Cele i metody conference, Palacký University, Olomouc

08/07/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Equatives, comparatives, and multiplication in Czech and Vietnamese. A talk presented at the 1st conference on Research Techniques and Approaches: New Journeys in Linguistics (RTANJ Linguistics I), Rtanj

01/06/2017 • Dočekal, Mojmír & Marcin Wągiel. Various strategies of multiplication: Differentials in equatives and comparatives. A talk presented at the 2nd Budapest Linguistics Conference (BLINC 2), Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest

10/12/2016 • Dočekal, Mojmír, Kim Hoangová & Marcin Wągiel: Degrees, times and events: View from amount and event numerals. A talk presented at the 12th Formal Description of Slavic Languages conference (FDSL 12), Humboldt University of Berlin

23/06/2016 • Bortlík, Jakub & Marcin Wągiel. PolFon – interaktywny portal edukacyjny poświęcony polskiej fonetyce [PolFon: An interactive educational portal dedicated to Polish phonetics]. A talk presented at the University of Silesia in Katowice, VI Światowy Kongres Polonistów

10/06/2016 • Wągiel, Marcin. Fake guns, privative adjectives, and taxonomies of concepts. A poster presented at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 2016)

03/03/2016 • Wągiel, Marcin. The semantics of pair and the interpretation of the plural. Szklarska Poręba, 17th Workshop on Roots of Pragmasemantics

03/12/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. Argument structure and multiplicative adjectives in Polish. University of Potsdam, Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 11)

21/11/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. What do we count with multiplicative adjectives? A talk presented at the University of Stuttgart, 12th Event Semantics Workshop (Event Semantics 2015)

24/09/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. Events, individuals, their subparts, and two types of multiplicative adjectives in Polish. A talk presented at the University of Ljubljana, 8th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 8)

28/09/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. Czym się różni kilka od dużo? Semantyka formalna wybranych kwantyfikatorów nieokreślonych w języku polskim [What is the difference between kilka and dużo? Formal semantics of some indefinite quantifiers in Polish]. A talk presented at the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce, LXXIII Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego (PTJ LXXIII)

04/09/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. The semantics of Polish multiplicative adjectives. A talk presented at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Fifth Central European Conference in Linguistics for Postgraduate Students (CECIL’S 5)

15/05/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. The inclusive and exclusive interpretation of plural nouns. A talk presented at the University of Łódź, Fourth International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics (PhiLang 2015)

11/05/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. Constituent negation in Polish and the interpretation of the plural. Palacký University in Olomouc, 16th International Meeting of Young Linguists

31/03/2015 • Wągiel, Marcin. Licząc nożyczki i buty... Semantyka formalna leksemu para [Counting scissors and shoes: The formal semantics of the lexeme para]. A talk presented at the University of Ostrava, Slavica Iuvenum 2015

06/12/2014 • Wągiel, Marcin. The story of Polish para: From a group noun to a measure word and indefinite quantifier. A talk presented at the Masaryk University in Brno, Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 10.5)

26/09/2014 • Wągiel, Marcin. A semantic analysis of the Polish measure word para. A talk presented at the University of Graz, 7th Conference on Syntax, Phonology and Language Analysis (SinFonIJA 7)

05/06/2014 • Wągiel, Marcin. From kinds to objects: Prenominal and postnominal adjectives in Polish. A talk presented at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 2014)

14/05/2014 • Wągiel, Marcin. Polish postnominal adjectives are generic modifiers. Palacký University in Olomouc, 15th International Meeting of Young Linguists

07/12/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Sums and groups: A semantic analysis of Polish numerals. A talk presented at the University of Leipzig, Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 10)

13/11/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Cisza i milczenie w językach słowiańskich. Analiza leksykalna [Silence and Stilness in Slavic Languages: A Lexical Analysis]. A talk presented at the Masaryk University in Brno, IV. kongres českých slavistů

07/11/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Polskie rzeczowniki odliczebnikowe typu dwójka w ujęciu semantyki formalnej [Polish number words of type dwójka from the perspective of formal semantics]. A talk presented at the Charles University in Prague, Proměny polonistiky: tradice a výzvy

23/08/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Collective and distributive readings of Polish numeral phrases. A talk presented at the Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Piliscsaba, Third Central European Conference in Linguistics for Graduate Students (CECIL’S 3)

07/06/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Boys, girls, and scissors: A semantic analysis of the Polish numeral dwoje. A talk presented at the Palacký University in Olomouc, Olomouc Linguistics Colloquium (Olinco 2013)

07/05/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Do Slavic languages have classifiers? A semantic analysis of the Polish measure word para. A talk presented at the Palacký University in Olomouc, 14th International Meeting of Young Linguists

27/03/2013 • Wągiel, Marcin. Kontaktové prostředky v češtině [Phatic expressions in Czech]. A talk presented at the University of Ostrava, Slavica Iuvenum 2013

12/07/2012 • Wągiel, Marcin. Międzynarodowy alfabet fonetyczny (IPA) w transkrypcji fonetycznej języka polskiego [International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) in phonetic transcription of Polish]. A talk presented at the University of Opole, V Kongres Polonistyki Zagranicznej