For a relaxed finale, we headed to Story Land, a theme park in Glen. From Mother Goose to the Old Woman in the Shoe, from the Three Bears to Alice in Wonderland, many well-loved characters from popular stories and nursery rhymes were ready to entertain kids and their parents. While Junior squealed in the Tea Cup Ride, his heart soared at the sight of the Buccaneer Bay. Our little pirate rushed into the ship and then ran toward the fort while putting up a brave fight. Away from the pirate scene, we visited a castle and rode in a pumpkin coach. A polar coaster had the entire family in high spirits. A crazy barn ride added a madness quotient to the fun-filled day.

As soon as Churi went on guard at midnight, Fidappeared in the antechamber, unstrung and reckless.He would have rushed past the eunuch without aword, but that he was forcibly restrained. This action,on the part of his one ally, goaded Fid fairly to madness;and, without speaking, he flung himself into afierce struggle with the eunuch, whose strength, however,he presently discovered to be very great. Whenboth of them were all but exhausted, the Asra, comingto himself, fell back, staring hopelessly at his opponent,and murmuring, more to himself than to Churi:

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All through the day that followed their first meetingthe Ranee lay on her bed, wide-eyed, tearless, andunapproachable. Neila wondered and watched, butdared not intrude upon her. On the evening of that[Pg 116]day came Rai-Khizar-Pl, all unconsciously bringingher punishment for her sin. For two days afterthis she remained in seclusion, while Neila andChuri vainly took counsel together on behalf of theslave, for whom each felt some sort of unselfish concern.But, though Fid was on the verge of madness,not a word could be got out of Ahalya concerning him:not one message would she send. Churi began todoubt his theory of the fallibility of women; and Neilawould not have been surprised at a full confession ofeverything to Rai-Khizar-Pl. But at last, miraculously,came an incident from an unexpected quarterthat did what no amount of pleading and persuasioncould have accomplished.

In the hidden drama that had, in the past few days,been enacted in Mandu, there was a certain personage,long since accustomed to play an important rle inevery game of intrigue, who had had no part at all.Nevertheless, Lord Ragunth was not going to be discountedforever; and it was at this stage of events thathe appeared upon the scene. Perhaps a scent of hiddenthings was in the air. Perhaps his sensibilities,attuned to all that was secret, caught some vibrationof treachery; though the nature of that treachery remainedundreamed-of. At any rate, it was just at thetime when the object of his furtive desires was torn andriven with a struggle in which he was not concerned,that Ragunth suffered one of his periodic fits of madness,and hit upon a new and, at last, successfulmethod of gaining one of his ends.

It was in this year 1249 that Viradha-Pl, the youngprince, began to take his place in the governmentof Mandu as a person of importance. Indeed it wastime that he came into his own. Bhavani had kept himtoo long in the background. Mandu was beginningto whisper that he should have been at war for themthese five years past: that it behoved a Kshatriya tofollow his profession. And Viradha, allowed liberty ofaction, proved himself worthy of his people by quickly[Pg 389]claiming his own. Bhavani let him go; for he knewthat the spirit of the old warrior kings was upon theyouth; and he knew also, still better, that the timeapproached when a warrior would be sorely needed inMandu. For Bhavani, in his peacefulness, was byno means blind to the outlook of India; and it wasno surprise when Viradha came to him with tales ofMohammedan invasions in the north, and demands ofan army with which to march against the alien race.Bhavani acceded to his demands, making, however,one stipulation. Viradha must marry. Then he mightleave his wife and go forth to battle. Such was therule in the Orient. e24fc04721

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