My Mission & Vision

My Values

Change.  Integrity.  Diversity.  Inclusion.  Equity.  Positivity.  Compassion.

My Mission

My mission is to embark on a fulfilling journey in healthcare management, where I strive to uphold my core values every day. As I lay down to sleep each night, I seek the satisfaction of knowing that I remained true to my principles. When I wake up each morning, I am driven by the desire to make a significant and positive impact on the healthcare system and the lives of individuals. My goal is to bring about transformative change on a systemic level while touching the lives of individuals one by one.

My Vision

I envision a future where healthcare is accessible, impartial, and equitable for every individual, regardless of their socioeconomic status. In this dream, no one is left behind, and the voices of healthcare staff are valued and supported.

Personal Statement

Change, integrity, diversity, inclusion, and equity. These values serve as my guiding principles as I strive to revolutionize the future of healthcare. Every night, I reflect on these values, asking myself if I have truly embodied them throughout my day. In a healthcare system that often excludes low-income individuals and minorities, I have dedicated my life to enacting and upholding systemic change. My passion lies in creating a safe space for individuals, like myself, within the LGBTQIA+ community.

From a young age, I aspired to become a healthcare provider. As a first-generation Korean immigrant with adopted parents who lacked a college degree, I was fortunate to have the freedom to pursue any career path I desired. Fueled by my commitment to attend medical school, I pursued a STEM-oriented pre-med track during my undergraduate studies. I then transitioned to a medical assistant role within a local community physician's practice. However, over time, I became increasingly frustrated.

My frustration stemmed from the realization that healthcare operations are profoundly influenced by management decisions. It became clear to me that managers, not providers or nurses, wielded the power to shape the present and future of healthcare in the United States. On one hand, I could see patients one-on-one as a provider, treating 20 to 40 patients daily. On the other hand, I could forge a career in healthcare management, focusing on systemic improvements where a single decision could positively impact thousands of patients.

Today, I have transformed from a front desk receptionist to a Manager of Operations. Through hands-on experience and my education in the Health Services Administration program and soon with the Doctorate in Healthcare Administration program, I hope to gain the tools to advance my career at an unexpected pace. However, this is just the beginning. Each day, I have the privilege of aligning my personal values with my mission and vision.

My mission is to wake up every morning knowing that I am making a significant, positive impact on the healthcare system and individual lives. As a healthcare administrator, my goal is to ascend within the field of healthcare management, implementing systemic change and touching as many lives as possible. My dream is to establish an affordable and accessible value-based service that provides sexual health counseling, treatment, and STD prevention to minorities and low-income individuals within the LGBTQIA+ community.

In the inevitable future of healthcare, equity, comfort, and affordability must be extended to all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status. I envision a world where no one is left behind, where everyone feels supported and empowered to raise their voice. As a member of the next generation of change leaders, I am determined to challenge the boundaries of the U.S. healthcare system, one decision at a time.