
A list of published papers, working papers, and books follows.


Parada-Contzen, Marcela and J. Rigoberto Parada-Daza (2017) Especulación y Mercados Financieros. Su concepción económica y alcances éticos. Thomson Reuters.  How to get it?

Lavados, H., Sapag, N., Berrios, R., Inostroza, E., Mena, F., Parada Contzen, M., Bravo, K., Kries, L., Zapata, A., Duarte, J. (2012) “Perspectivas sobre la Economía”, Primera edición, Universidad San Sebastián Ediciones, Chile. 

Published Papers

Parada-Contzen, Marcela; Provoste, Lucas; Sanhueza, Cristobal; Tran, Uyen  and James Traina. Employment Impacts of Implementing an Employers Contributory Pillar: Evidence from Chile (with Lucas Provoste, Cristobal Sanhueza, Uyen Tran, and James Traina). Accepted for publication at  The Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. Draft. 

Parada-Contzen, Marcela and Isidora Sanhueza (2024). On the Evolution of Population Preferences toward Retirement System Design and Savings Withdrawal: Evidence from Chile.  The Journal of Retirement, Vo. 12, Issue 2. Draft

Parada-Contzen, Marcela and José Rigoberto Parada-Daza (2023). On the weighting of homo economicus and  homo virtus in human behaviour.  Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Vol. 10, No. 1, Pg. 1-13.

Harrison, Rodrigo; Parada-Contzen, Marcela and Marcelo Villena (2023). Can auctions increase competition in the pension funds market? Merits and shortcomings of the Chilean experience.  Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol 45, No. 5, Pg. 975-999.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela (2023). "Characterization of population preferences and assessments toward retirement systems: Evidence from Chile".  The Journal of Retirement, Vol. 10, No. 3, Pg. 7-32.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela (2023). Gender, family status, and health characteristics: understanding retirement inequalities in the Chilean pension model. International Labour Review.  Vol 16, No. 2, Pg. 271-303.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela (2022). Default Behavior  and Risk Aversion in Defined Contribution Retirement Systems: Evidence from Chile. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, Vol. 22, No. 4, Pg. 655-714.

Caro, Juan Carlos and Marcela Parada-Contzen (2022). "Pension Incentives and Retirement Planning in Rural China: Evidence of the New Rural Pension Scheme."  The Developing Economies, Vol. 60, No. 1, Pg. 3-29.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela (2020). "Crowding-out in savings decisions, portfolio default adoption and home ownership: Evidence from the Chilean retirement system." Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 18, No. 2, Pg. 543-569.

Flanders, Sam, Nungsari, Melati and Marcela Parada-Contzen (2020). "Pricing Schemes and Market Efficiency in Private Retirement Systems," Journal of Public Economic Theory, Vol 22, No. 4, Pg. 1041-1068.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela (2019). "The Value of a Statistical Life for Risk Averse and Risk Seeking Individuals," Risk Analysis, Vol. 39, No. 11, Pg. 2369-2390.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela and Felipe Vásquez (2019). "An analysis of economic incentives to encourage organ donations: Evidence from Chile," Latin American Economic Review, Vol. 28, No. 6. 

Parada-Contzen, Marcela, Juan Riquelme and Felipe Vasquez (2013) "The Value of a Statistical Life in Chile," Empirical Economics, Vol. 45, No.3, Pg. 1073-1087.

Parada-Contzen, Marcela and Jose Rigoberto Parada-Daza (2012) "Utility, Ethics, and Behavior," Journal of Academic and Business Ethics.

Parada-Daza, Jose Rigoberto and Marcela Parada-Contzen (2009) "A Risk-Free Portfolio with Risky Assets," International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, Vol. 32, Pg. 188-195.

Working Papers

Work in Progress

The role of intergenerational childcare arrangements on parental time investments and child obesity (with Jere Berhman and Juan Carlos Caro).  

Crowding out in pension savings, household wealth and debt: Evidence from Chile.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger: Determinants of pension systems' performance (with Javier Miranda).

Pension knowledge and retirement outcomes (with Clement Joubert).

Research Experience 

Principal investigator. Fondecyt (2024): “Wealth accumulation, savings choices and debt acquisition through the life-cycle: Crowding-out and crowding-in effects.” 2024-2027. Total amount: CLP$90.000.000.

Principal investigator. Impact evaluation fund grant, DIPRES, Chile (2023) for research project “Impact Evaluation SERCOTEC CRECE.” DIPR230006. Jointly with Juan Carlos Caro. Total amount: CLP$19.906.434.

Alternate Director. "Impact Assessment on Innovation and Entrepreneurship at the School of Engineering from Universidad de Concepción, Chile." Jointly with Inti Núnez, Juan Carlos Caro, Cristian Mardones, Carlos Navarrete, and Natalia Pérez. School of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción (2023).

Adjunct Researcher. Nuclei Social Sciences (grant). Millennium Nucleus on Intergenerational Mobility: From Modelling to Policy (2021–2024). 

Main researcher. Regional Innovation Fund FIC-R (grant), Gobierno Regional del Bío Bío, “Post-Pandemic Tourism Reactivation Program” (2021–2023). Total amount: CLP$150.000.000. 

Principal investigator. "Pension wealth, savings, and debt levels in defined contribution retirement systems: An application for Chile." Concurso VRID-Iniciación (grant), Vicerrectoría de Investigación y Desarrollo, Universidad de Concepción. Project No. VRID 2021000177INI. 2022-2024. 

Investigator. “Evaluation of the Ruta 5 Road Concession System in Chile” conducted by the Universidad de Concepción. 2020. 

Investigator. “Information systems for decision making in innovation ecosystems and entrepreneurship.” CORFO , Code 18PES-99316. 2018-2020.

Principal investigator.“Individual Behavior in Defined Contribution Retirement Systems: System Architecture, Pension Knowledge, Default Behavior, and Crowd-Out Effect.” FONDECYT, Project No. 3180155. 2018–2021.

Co-investigator. “Functioning evaluation of auctions as a mechanism for assigning monopoly rights over new enrollees in the Pension Fund Administrators market in Chile, established in DL 3500 of 1980." Jointly with Rodrigo Harrison and Marcelo Villena, conducted by Inter-American Development Bank, D.C. for Ministerio de Hacienda and Superintendencia de Pensiones Chile (2017). 

Principal investigator. “Youth Electoral Participation and Characterization in the City of Concepcion, Chile”, conducted by Arbórea Regional Research Group, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. 2012. 

Principal investigator. “Juvenile Unemployment: a Regional Analysis”, conducted by Arbórea Regional Research Group, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile. 2011. 

 Co-Investigator. “Economic Evaluation of the Ruta de la Madera Industrial Road Concession, Concepción, Chile” conducted by the Universidad de Concepción. 2011. 

Research Assistant. “Measuring the Cost of Health Care at Regional Hospital in Concepción, Hospital Clínico Regional Dr. Guillermo Grant Benavente, Chile” conducted by Universidad de Chile and Universidad del Bío-Bío. 2010. 

Research Visits

Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. May 2024.

Thunderbird School of Global Management, Arizona State University, Arizona, USA, November 2022.

Asia School of Business (in collaboration with MIT Sloan Management), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. September 2019.

Banco de la República, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. November  2018.