Marcela Parada-Contzen

I am an Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering, College of Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile. I received a Ph.D. and a M.Sc. in Economics from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I am also an elected board member of the Chilean Economic Association (SECHI) and researcher at the Millenium Nucleus on Intergenerational Mobility.

My Google Scholar Profile is available here.

My CV is available here (different versions): 

Contact Information:

Research interests:

My research interests are in Applied Microeconomics, in the areas of Pension Economics, Economics of Risk and Uncertainty, and Labor Economics. I work with large datasets of individual behavior to study life-cycle decision in the context of wealth accumulation.  I try to focus my research in the Chilean market to contribute to the design of public policies based on scientific evidence.

My definitely favorite research topic is Pension Economics. I like to analyze individual behavior within systems, to study and help to design policies for improving pension outcomes, to perform ex-ante simulation of policy impacts, among others. 

In the last year, I have been exploring new research lines such as gender economics and empirical election polarization. I am also (very) recently exploring lines in migration and labor markets. 

Other interests: